Played the game today and am surprised and disappointed so many tooltips are bugged for Mongols and they do not do what they say…
This one is the worst one. They do not get Early Lancers.
Pastures produce every 90 seconds it says:
But In reality its every 120 seconds:
Piracy says it grants 50 of each
It only grants 25 of each.
Khans arrow says only doesnt work on Villagers:
However the buff doesn’t work on packed buildings. And before u say buildings arent units. buildings Still take up population and if ur at 200 pop u cant pack them. (another bug)
Packed Gerrs count as military in ur all army hotkey. (however other buildings do not like stables)
The improved version of Horticulture is still 15%?
You can compare to
Shows 20% here.
Defense Arrow tooltip says +3 armor. The buff says +3 Armor. However it only provides 2 Armor (I reported this in the beta…)
Says 50% but it increases the speed by over 100% on some of the buildings.
tooltip says 50% reduction. Khan attack speed normally is 1.88
When u use the arrow it becomes 1.25
Appears to be only around 35% attack speed buff not 50%?
The improved trader tech claims to give increased gold?
However it does not provide any increase of gold. Only to stone.
(T4 here)
Manuever arrow tooltip says increases speed 33%
But the other tooltip says 0.5 tiles per second? which is it?
Sometimes a trader will not bring extra resources even when u have more than 9
The silver tree can still return resources to a trader while packed
Tooltip says standground makes the unit impassible however buildings that are packed and on stand ground can still be passed through
Tooltip for the age 4 landmark says 30 stone per minute but its actually 240