"Monthly updates"

Where is new month content?

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I linked it in the previous comment


Unless you mean a february patch?

This is the list of all patches since AoE2 DE launch
Does that look like an abandoned game?

I dont see it in the actual game…

Look for the version number in your game and compare it with the latest patch versión in the link

First they have to launch the dlc…

They’re probably a busy team, but for a game it would be a good idea to have a content person on the team to communicate things regularly to customers.

Perhaps the publishers is against leaking things early as it might hurt sales?

My guess it’s either no time or no permission to share what they’re working on.

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What happened to the PUP updates? Haven’t heard about them in months.

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It’s not friendly to modders if the game updates monthly…


With the console launch a few days ago? I don’t believe it

Not even for tournaments started
I think the devs will give us something after the end of the TTL

I was talking about balance change patches and a brief note of what’s coming up in those patchnotes every quarter. Regarding that thing, tower range mod was added before, so probably something more coming up with the DLC release.