Mounted rifleman in trample mode dont attack

May 9th

I know how to solve it, but with a mod. Anim files for mounted rifleman, both horse and rider, do not have animation for Trample Attack: You just need add this:


<anim>Attack_trample<assetreference type="GrannyAnim">
			<tag type="Attack">0.57</tag>
			<tag type="SpecificSoundSet" checkvisible="1" set="Swoosh">0.46</tag>
		<assetreference type="GrannyAnim">
			<tag type="Attack">0.47</tag>
			<tag type="SpecificSoundSet" checkvisible="1" set="Swoosh">0.41</tag>


<anim>Attack_trample<assetreference type="GrannyAnim">
			<file>animation_library\cavalry\sword_trample attackA</file>
		<assetreference type="GrannyAnim">
			<file>animation_library\cavalry\sword_trample attackB</file>
		<attach a="sword" frombone="bone_sword" tobone="Bip01 Prop1" syncanims="0"/>

somewhere between animations. Those codes are copied from Harquebusier anims, who uses musketheavycavalry.tactics, like Mounted Rifleman