Mouse and keyboard issues on Xbox

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • GAME BUILD #: AoE 2: DE
  • GAME PLATFORM: Microsoft Store

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

I’m not sure how to describe it as the severity differs from game to game. One game I almost resigned. It started off where making boxes with the mouse would leave the box on the screen and not select anything, making me repeat the box. Then my hotkeys completely stopped working so it became a mouse only game. Then I was unable set commands to resources. Rally point would make villagers stand next to them and clicking a (group of) villager(s) to a resource would just make them stand next to it I had to work around this by manually building drop off buildings so they would automatically go back to work. Then I couldn’t select anything. I was clicking away as my army got massacred. Every game since this recent patch was released has just been pure frustration and I would almost ask they you bring back the awful pathing so the rest of my game functions properly haha. My buddy has similar but not identical issues so I know it’s not my mouse and keyboard with issues.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:point_down: How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:point_down: List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Just play the game and the issues will develop and get worse.

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

:point_down: What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?

I’d be able to play like a normal person and get my units to do what I want without getting frustrated.

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:point_down: ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

:point_down: Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.

*No attachments as I can’t really recreate what I am pressing to what you’d see in a recording, especially since Xbox recordings don’t show the curser.

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I have the same issues.

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I’m having the same issues exactly. Hoping for a fix soon because the game is unplayable with this

Can you guys do me a favour. Firstly, do you use the alt button much? If so do you find as the game goes on it goes into a kind of “toggle” mode where it seems if you press it, it stays like you’re pressing it until you press it again. I have found this is the cause of the hotkeys not working and also the reason you can’t task villagers as alt is the hotkeys for force moving (I use it more for military I didn’t realise it works for villagers). Please message here if you have this issue so I know my Alt button isn’t faulty. Thanks.

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Great idea I’ll test it this afternoon! An issue with the alt button in-game would make sense. I’ve had keys get stuck on my keyboard and this felt really similar, so I already made sure none of my keys were stuck… I don’t use alt key in game much but I probably hit it accidentally from time to time.

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Okay I played a few more games and pressing the alt key seemed to fix the problems! It’s almost like you press alt once and it stays on, until you press alt again which turns it off??

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Thanks! That rules out a faulty ALT button and, if the Devs manage to see this thread, might help them fix at least part of the issue.

Edit I’ll just throw this out there in case it helps you like it has helped me. The ALT key is super helpful. It allows you to click military on to villagers that are behind castles building it. Making it easier to deny. It also helps you put archers much closer to enemy building to get maximum range before you give the enemy an attack signal.

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Thank you so much for this detailed report, the team will investigate all these issues with keyboard and mouse in console :slight_smile:


Just a quick update on this. I think I played my final game (of ranked at least). The game was over in feudal because I couldn’t select any of my army. Nothing to do with the ALT button. Just simply couldn’t select my units so off they went chasing a scout round in circles while the rest of his units shot me down. Like most people that play the game even Xbox players think this is one of the best games ever made but just don’t have access to a PC. So it’s fantastic you ported it across and I would never ask for a refund but I really hope you can fix it. It’s just unplayable right now.

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Someone said on the other thread that if you have mod installed on Xbox it might mess the keyboard and mouse, could this be possible in your case?

The game has been unplayable since the last patch. On xbox the mouse goes crazy. when I collect wild boar meat and want to drop it into the tc, then after clicking on the tc the villaggers automaticly go to chop wood. There are so many errors when controlling that it is practically impossible to play

See the video

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Maybe. I could give it a try but that’s kind of choosing a lesser of 2 evils. Having to play with big trees is a disadvantage in itself so I don’t think that’s a route I would want to go down, especially in ranked. Have you got a link to the other thread so I can see what others are saying re: the issue?

I think the wild boar to tree thing is on PC too. I haven’t noticed it strangely but I’m aware of it.

Hi everyone,

Same issues here:

  • Making a selection box sometimes doesn’t work. The selection box freezes and you must click again 2-3 times until it’s gone and in the meantime your units are NOT selected.
  • The KB stops responding. I still do not know exactly WHY but here are some ideas: it stops working when the ALT is used somehow. I believe it’s because we are clicking ctrol + ALT (or the FN key) plus clicking somewhere. My theory is that the console somehow gets overwhelmed by too many inputs and freezes. I am able to get my KB to work again by pressing alt, control, other hotkeys, clicks, etc at the same time like a madman. Eventually it works again. But this is beyond frustrating.

Another issue, when the game is over, the performance of the game in the map goes down A LOT. It doesn’t bother because well, the game is over, but something is going on there.


Hey mjukkinderna,

I also noticed that my keyboard stops responding after I use my flare Alt+F, and that’s the only case I managed to make the bug appear yesterday. About the selection box I notice it will freeze most likely if you start to drag with your mouse on top of the tc, but if you’ll drag from anywhere towards the tc it works.

I had this problem too, maybe 1-2 months ago, but since have returned to playing with the controller. Now I get the marquee that doesn’t disappear until I pause and unpause the game :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’m almost sure it’s when I click alt+ something else (control, FN, shift?). I have a macro in my mouse (clicks alt + F automatically) and it does not freezes the KB.

It always happens when I notice I pushed some extra key by mistake. It’s this kind of weird and unintentional combination that triggers this bug…

Okey, weird yesterday I played two games and on both of those games I flared with my mouse (Alt+F) hotkey and immediately after the keyboard stopped working, might be ALT issue or something else.

Good to see more people come to this thread about this. I feel we are quite a minority group that play mouse and keyboard on Xbox but there’s no escaping the fact it will be affecting everyone that plays this way. Hopefully it will get sorted soon.

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