MP connectivity - No games found

  • Game Version: v.100.17.64528.0 (523280R)

  • Platform: Steam

  • Operating System: Windows 10


  • I can not see any games in the game browser. An error message appears for invitations.
  • Modmanager loading works.
  • When signing in with xbox live no xbox symbol appears in the lobby and no access to the advanced features is granted.

Trigger Event: New Year Patch

Repro Steps: Unknown


  1. Locate your game folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Mythology Retold
  2. Delete AoMRT_s.exe
  3. Open Steam and verify integrity of game files

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

I am having the same problem, not being able to browse games, and these steps did not solve the issue.