Mule cart+town bell bug/crash

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: 101.102.30274.0 (#95810) 12466982
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

Ringing the town bell while building a mule cart causes villagers nearby to lose their line of sight (and potentially lose control of the villager until found again).

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

  • Less than 25% of the time / matches I play (RARELY)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. start building a mule cart with Armenians a fair distance from the TC
  2. Ring the town bell

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

line of sight remains for villagers. not sure what should happen with the partially constructed mule cart (a bit odd that is gets immediately constructed and can move, but could be a design choice). also the game shouldn’t crash

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

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Hi @msantolu
The team is aware of this issue, thanks for your report! :slight_smile:

Same tyhing happens when selecting an unbuilt mule cart (0%-99%) and clicking to load it on a transport ship. It keeps tracking the ship and if its more than 0% some sections of the map are fogged even with your buildings/units there. I can select only villagers through idle button, but not with control groups neither buildings with hotkeys. After that you must “unfog” them with another actually alive mule cart, but it might not always work, sometimes you have to explore it again (twice) with another kind of unit for dark parts of the map that stay black exploring with a mule cart.

My villagers do not seem to lose line of sight, but the mule cart tries to go inside the TC despite not being built. Once the bell has been rung, the cart is not controllable.

If a villager is in its path, and tries to build it when it touches, the villager will stay in place and build it to completion, but until then they will lose their line of sight and be invisible if nothing else is nearby.

The cart, if not intercepted by a villager trying to build it, and thus not fully built, will still be uncontrollable upon ejecting it from the TC. It can then be built to completion, and everything will be fine.

In my experience, the game does not crash due to this bug, but it is reproducible 100% of the time.

Here is the link of a short skirmish game where the cart goes straight to the TC after ringing the bell, despite being at 0%. Please let me know if the link doesn’t work.
Link to the replay file.

Cheers and thank you for your time!

The team is working on a fix :slight_smile: