Mule carts cannot garrison in Transport Ships

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • GAME BUILD #: live patch
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

Mule Carts cannot garrison in transport ships despite the icon being present.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

  • 100%

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Build a transport ship
  2. Build a mule cart
  3. Try garrisoning the mule cart. The garrison icon is displayed on hover (and the hotkey is displayed but the mule cart just gets a waypoint as if the transport ship is treated as ressource.

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

Mule carts should be able to garrison in transport ships just like they can in TCs, Churches and Castles.

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This bug is currently fixed on the PUP build, so it will be added to the next live build.
Thanks for the report :slight_smile:


I remember being surprised by this quirk in a recent Armenians game. Glad it’s being fixed!

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The PUP build is not accessible now, is it?
The code pup_apr as suggested on [the steam discussion] does not seem to work.