Multiplayer of the Xbox Version unplayable

Multiplayer of the Xbox Version unplayable!

  • Quickgames freeze every game

Some other Issues:

  • no auto Eco Options for Quickgames ( this sould be activated or at least an filter option)
  • more Filter Options for Multiplayer (Quickgames)
  • Contextmenu should be optimize → left shoulder at the building under construction, for more vils.
  • more of the functions from aoe2 or 4 → quickly accommodate villagers during an attack etc.
  • Quick Menu (LT) need to be selected twice (A Button), to build buildings etc.

Nobody play without auto Eco on Xbox (Quick Games). This need to be fix

BonusTipp: The Auto Eco Option could include the God Power Things as well, so the % Part of the villagers which pray.


please add auto Economy (Villager Priority) at the skirmish games (Quick Games) as a Filter , at least for controller players.
nobody plays without auto Eco on Xbox.

it should be like in Ao2 or Aoe4.