Multiplayer problems since last patch

Hello there,

Since the latest patch people are having a lot of problems with multiplayer. The lobbies seem to be outdated all the time and barely refresh. Joining games takes a lot of time and after waiting 1-2 minutes the popup appears and tells me that the game is already full.

Also, it shows me offline when I check my status ingame. What seems to help is restarting the game after every match, which really can’t be the solution.

The lobby system in general is a mess, but I’m writing this down in another thread as it’s not a bug but by design at the moment.


Same here, only way is to restart game. Seems like we get disconnected after a match from live service. Are you shown as “offline” in your Social as well?

Yes. As mentioned, I appear offline ingame when the problem is present.


Same problem here. Super frustrating

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I just tried to play a game with my friend. We couldn’t even get direct invites to work, it was always saying “Lobby Full”. Furthermore, while he could see the list of available multiplayer games, when I tried it would just loop on “Refreshing Game List” for a little while, then say “No Games Found”. I’ve disabled all mods, just to make sure there are no issues with that.

Version: 100.17.22308.0
Build: 481060R

I’m also having this problem. Honestly it just makes me want to play another game. I’m really tired of sitting in load screens just to not play the game. It’s bad in Ranked too


I’m having the same issue. I can only play one game and then I have to close the game all the way down and open it all the way back up and then I can play one more multiplayer game before I have to close out again.

Try doing that and see if it works for you.

If I don’t close out the game whenever I try to join a lobby it sits there for 1-2 mins and then says the game is full or it already started or something else. It sucks so bad.


I posted here and on reddit & we are not alone. Many people having this issue. Restarting game works for most of them, but its reaaaally annoying and also…$50 price tag on this game? lol. Glad im not alone in this experiencing this, hopefully that means it will get fixed asap.

Same issue, I can do 1 game fine, then any new game I try to join through Multiplayer > Browse Games, end up with 2 minutes stuck in search to finally got the infamous “Game is full or either has already started”.

  • Game Version: 100.17.22308.0
  • Build Number: 155304485
  • Platform: Steam
  • Operating System: Windows 11 64 bits

same issue since last update, I need to restart the game continuously to avoid those connection problems

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I have been having similar issues, I hope the devs will fix this quickly

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Same problem. I can only play one game and then I have to restart the game to be able join lobbies again. My status is also set to offline.

Also chat is really delayed both in lobbies and in game. But in game it’s really bad. I sometimes see my message minutes after I type something. Also flares/pings do not appear until up to minutes later than the initiation. This happens even though the game appears to otherwise not be lagging. Units respond to commands, there is no game lag. It’s just chat and pings.


Try this everyone if applicable. Worth a shot!

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yes… noticed the same issue

Yeah it’s terrible, everything is delayed and hosting games is impossible nobody joins and if you try to join games they’re all full somehow.

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ooooh, has anyone had success with this??

Man i do not want to reset all my settings because of shitty bugs that should have been fixed in beta.

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Doesn’t work. I mean this might work for some users with different problems, but I’m still getting disconnected from the online services after every single match.

I check my social status before the match: online
I check my social status after the match: offline