Since people can have constant discussion about Janissaries.
What about Malian units?
Personally I’m starting to find Malians quite underwhelming.
Their econ is S tier, but they perform exceptionally bad mid game and in team games.
While in 1v1 they do rather OK as their super strong early dark age and feudal aggresion is extremely strong.
It completely flips 180 and becomes a joke once the opponent has a econ that can support MAA.
Now this is fine, and this is where the Musofadi as supposed to step in?
But they don’t work as well.
Their Stealth is kinda useless as ANY unit can spot their stealth. Want to know something funny?
If you have the imperial landmark, Huntress Fortress, Musofadi gunners and warriors gain bonus first strike damage abiltiy when coming out of stealth.
This works for gunners, but not for Warriors. Why? Well warriors stealth gets automatically broken by the unit spotting them.
The stealth is still nice though for manuvering.
However another issue I find is, they are far to weak against most things.
Anything a Musofadi warrior can do, a Donzo can do better.
Donzo have better armor, has a minor range attack, bonus against cav and heavy cav.
And has much bigger HP pool than Musofadi warriors and thus can act as a good meatshield.
Now this is fine by mixing warriors and donzo, but 1 Mangonel shot is all it takes and you have lost majority of your warriors. Donzo are badly hurt but still alive.
I don’t know. Musofadi warriors are just way to squishy, they do not trade well against MAA and knights, and are far to easy to loose.
Personally I think the Musofadi warriors need a major buff.
Not in armor, but in HP.
they also to do something about their stealth mechanic, especially to benefit from the landmark perk.
I would like to see that only scouts and outposts can uncover Musofadi warriors stealth.
And then we have playing against HRE as malians.
Unless your 1v1 or 2v2 where maps are tiny and you can apply instant pressiure with Donzo’s.
In team games, Malians are just utter garbage, once a HRE gets their castle/imp age, stable econ and starts pumping out… Landsknecht. Oh do they flatten Malians in record speed.
There is literally nothing that “hardcounters” MAA/Landsknecht composition as Malians.
Sofa arent strong enough to handle HRE MAA with bonus dmg against heavy.
Warriors scouts can only kite, be massed and used as landmark snipe.
Donzo are donzo, better than a spearman and their range attack ideal for sniping for artifacts.
Archers, well they are archers and like any other archer. Their poison attack upgrade is not much to say about…"
Javelin throwers, while great against archers and gunners.
They absolutely do nothing against armored targets.
Musofadi warriors just gets flatten by HRE megasword.
Sofas can’t beat HRE MAA with +6 against heavy upgrade.
Only thing that can effectivly deal with MAA is Musofadi gunners.