Being that the Aztecs in-game don’t speak their proper language (or any Uto-Aztecan language), thought I’d do a translation to give their units a more fitting dialogue. This could also be used for a mod that adds the Toltecs, and the hope is that a translation will get added to the game sooner or later.
Nahuatl pronunciation is a little unintuitive if you don’t have some experience with it, so I’ve included some voice samples to give you all an idea how the words sound (not that my pronunciation is entirely perfect). I’m also looking for someone who can do some credible recordings of the female voices.
Select 1 Teotlaquiltitzino (Good afternoon)
Female Select Cualli Tonalli (Good day)
Male Select 2 Niltze (Greetings)
Select 3 Quenamicatzintli (How are you?)
Select 4 Tle quinequi moyollo? (What does your heart desire?)
Task 1 Niyaya - (I am going)
Task 2 Quema - (Yes)
Task 3 Nitequipanoz - (I will work)
Task 4 Nitequipoloa Motecuiyo - (I serve my lord)
Build - Nitepanchiuhqui (I am a bricklayer)
Female Chop Nitepozhuia (I am chopping)
Male Chop Nicuacuahui (I am a woodcutter)
Female Farm Nimilchiuhqui - (I am a farmer)
Male Farm Nitlalchihuaz - (I will work the land)
Male Fisherman Nimichitzquiā (I fish)
Female Fisherman Nimichoani (I am a fisher)
Female Forage Nipepena xocotl (I gather fruit)
Male Forage Nixocotequi (I pick fruit)
Female Hunt Niami (I go hunting)
Male Hunt Niami (I go hunting)
Female (gold) Mine Teocuitlatl Nioztotl - (I mine gold or silver)
Male (gold) Mine Teocuitlatl Nioztotl - (I mine gold or silver)
Female (stone) Nitetzontzonqui - (I am a stoneworker)
Male (stone) Nitetlapanqui - (I am a stone cutter)
Male Repair Nitoltecatl - (I am a great craftsman)
Female Repair Nicualchihchīhua - (I repair)
Female Attack Nicalacahuiz (I will attack!)
Male Attack Nixixiliz (I will stab them)
Select 1 Quēn nozo nel? (What is to be done?)
Select 2 Niyaotlalia - ( I am ready to attack)
Select 3 Niyaochichihua - (I am armed for war)
Move 1 #################### (We march swiftly)
Move 2 Tzicuictic Huitzitziqyotica (Agile as a hummingbird)
Move 3 Cuauhyotica, oceloyotica! (Like eagles, like jaguars!)
Attack 1 Ticalacahuizceh - (We will attack!)
Attack 2 Teoatl tlachinolli! (“Blood and fire!” - war cry)
Attack 3 Ezquizaceh! (They will bleed!)
Attack 4 Amo timahuiliāh Mictlantecuhtli! (We do not fear the lord of death!)
Select 1 Nitlahuenmana Teteoh - (I am making an offering to the gods)
Select 2 Teotlaquiltitzino - (Good afternoon)
Select 3 Nitemachia Quetzalcoatl - (I trust in, or wait for, Quetzalcoatl)
Select 4 Quema, Tecuhtzin - (Yes, lord?)
Move 1 Niyaya - (I’m going)
Move 2 Teoamoxtin nechomactia (The holy books guide me)
Move 3 Neltocazceh - (They shall believe)
Move 4 Niquintlamachtizceh macehualtin (I will teach the common people)
Select 1 Quema? (Yes?)
Select 2 Nitlahtoani (I am the one who speaks/I am the ruler)
Select 3 Tlen tinequi? (What do you want?)
Select 4 Noyollo nequi huey tequitl (I desire much tribute)
Move 1 Tihualtecalaquizceh - (We will raze the earth by war!)
Move 2 Mahuiztlizceh notocatzin (They will fear my great name)
Move 3 Nimotlaloa (I am running)
Move 4 Tipanhuetzizceh! (We will ascend/We will achieve honor).
Move 5 Niyaya (I’m going)