My favourite color

i’ll admit i prefer default trees but ye that mod often helps to have, also true on beta point, i just hope something that lets me customize UI elements without letting me make completely custom files (aka files that aren’t named precisely as ingame ones) gets implemented

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imagen forcing to be blind in a game with no rotation which still relevant in aoe 4 bcuz the chessboard-square placement that the game uses and agility.

Im still trying to understand your reply , are you complaining about grid-placement ?

Its obviously game design smh .

complaining the fact you deny the small tree mod which makes the map mopre readable and have better apm at building walls around forest chunk.

i said that you guys need a mod to shrunk the trees , nothing more .

in aoe4 trees are not big , no mod needed

for palisade yes and sometimes stonewalls. That is enough to make the mod worthy to made for competitive players