I have been modding some other games in the past such as Stellaris, which works similar to what I’ve read here about AoM Retold.
Basically, if you want to change for example starting resources from 100 to 200, you simply edit the resource.json, naming it something else, like resource_mymod.json and putting it in the same path in mod folder as it is in the original path. I’ve read that we need to put filename_mods.xml for AoM Retold, but that doesn’t work.
I wanted to try a really simple mod so I could get used to syntax, how it all works, etc. so I decided to increase Gaia’s lush radius by double.
I found the file that is supposed to do that, and I made a new file major_gods_mods.xml and put it into mymodfolder/game/data/gameplay/major_gods_mods.xml which looks like this:
<agetech age="ArchaicAge">
<unit count="1" delay="6.00" x="19.00" y="0.00" z="40.00">Oracle</unit>
<unit count="1" delay="10.00" x="-45.00" y="0.00" z="25.00">Oracle</unit>
<unit count="1" delay="14.00" x="12.00" y="0.00" z="-25.00">Oracle</unit>
<unit count="2" delay="2.00" x="-2.00" y="0.00" z="0.00">VillagerAtlanteanHero</unit>
<startingunits mode="deathmatch">
<unit count="1" delay="4.00" x="7.00" y="0.00" z="28.00">Oracle</unit>
<unit count="1" delay="4.00" x="-20.00" y="0.00" z="28.00">Oracle</unit>
<unit count="1" delay="4.00" x="9.00" y="0.00" z="-8.00">Oracle</unit>
<unit count="6" delay="2.00" x="0.00" y="0.00" z="0.00">VillagerAtlanteanHero</unit>
<unit autotrain="true">VillagerAtlantean</unit>
<startingresources mode="deathmatch">
<terraincreep creep="GaiaCreep" maxradius="40.0" growthrate="0.25" decayrate="0.5" minupdateinterval="4.5" maxupdateinterval="5.5" avoidunbuildable="" avoidimpassable="">
I changed max radius for GaiaCreep from 20 to 40, but the game still spawns the same area, it is not increased at all.
Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong?
Thank you!