My ideas for AoM2

i really like the idea of focusing AoM more like the antiquity on footsoldiers and less on cavallery like the idea of Total War Troy already tried to implement. Cavallery units should be strong and more expensive and only most mythlogy units and heroes should top these.

but i am a bit concerned. in AoE4 it loosk like sieges (at least pre-release) are a bit too strong. and i wouldn’t like to see a rather big balance issue when some factions have cavallerie earlier or have access to stronger units. (or balance this with some stronger infantery or myth units?)

i also like the AoE4 idea of building certain buildings to level up in age which AoM already did but always with the saem buildings. Some more unique cultural spirit would be awesome if possible.

In AoE4 units in last age also are golden. I think the idea overall is great and maybe you could still add a myth age after iron age with access to golden armor since its still partly a fantasy game. don’t forget that.

about hostical/fantasy AoM: i already saw that some ppl in the forums try to approach AoM more historically and on the other hand still want that certain units don’t look historically based and more made up “cause it was like that in the base game”. i think we should be more open minded. lets say if we want a more serious historically accurate AoM then we should consider to see myth units also more historically accurate portrayed (like Jörmungandr or Cyclops) or get replaced cause even e.g. scorpianmen are damn cool units there is no real historical evidence. Or we let it the way it is but then also go a more fantasy way. (wouldn’t have nothing against both ways personally)

about the faction unique units: i really like the idea of greek units like Zeus gives you Myrmidon, Hades gives you Gastraphetes and so on. Would REALLY like to see this for every major god for every faction.

about heroes: my opinion still stands that i want to see unqiue heroes for each age like greeks do. some could be made up i wouldn’t mind at all. but just a pharaoh or a hersir is (in my opinion) quite boring on the long run.

about base units per age: don’t have to give feedback here cause the units listed are all reasonable and well thought out.

about favour: also agree that it has to change a bit how favour should be gained. not drastically just slightely. i like the sacrifice idea. nothing to complain about here either.