First and foremost - not all of these changes are originally mine, but i like them or they fit. so yeah. credit to whoever originally thought it up (Some of these i was even against initially).
Second thing - I’m not gonna propose any changes for the 4 new civs, Goths or Chinese, just because i’m unsure how to fix them (Especially Chinese, who are a nightmare at high levels, and bad at low levels).
Third thing - Ladder fixes, Pathfinding, Bugfixes, etc are all of the highest priority right now.
Unit Changes
Crossbowman - Upgrade cost increased to 200 food and 100 gold. upgrade time increased to 50 seconds.
Skirmisher - Elite Upgrade cost reduced to 175 wood and 100 gold. Upgrade time decreased to 30 seconds.
Spearman - Pikeman Upgrade cost reduced to 175 food and 75 gold.
Eagle Warrior - Cost retuned to 30 food and 40 gold.
Militia Line - THS upgrade reduced to 200 food, 100 gold, and 50 seconds. Champ upgrade reduced to 600 food, 250 gold, and 75 seconds.
BE/EBE - Gain +10 Elephant Armor
EA/EEA - Gain +5 CA armor (to -2) and +2 bonus damage vs Spear Line.
New Elephant Upgrade - Mahouts - Increases Elephant unit speed by 10%.
SL/ESL - Food cost reduced to 60, gain +3/5 Damage vs Infantry, and ESL cost reduced to 500/400.
Britons - Yeoman changed to allow the creation of Longbows at the Archery Range.
Longbow/Elite gain +1 Range
Burgundians - Stable Techs cost 33% less instead of 50% less.
Flemish Revolution needs changing - just not sure what to change it too.
Burmese - Howdah and Manipur Cavalry switch ages
Arambai benefit from PT
Franks - Either the HP bonus is moved to castle age or the Berry bonus is removed.
Incas - Gain a 10/20% discount on eagles in castle/imp
Italians - Archers and GC gain +1 MA per age, starting in Feudal.
Khmer - 10% faster elephants changed to → free Mahouts
Malians - Wood discount returns to farms.
Mayans - longer lasting resources 15% → 10%.
Archer Discount 10/20/30 → 10/15/20
El Dorado 750/450 → 900/500
Persians - Town center and Docks bonuses Split.
TC gains 5% in dark age.
Mahouts baked into Elite Upgrade.
Mahouts replaced with a new UT.
Slavs renamed to Rus (not balance, but whatever).
Spanish - build bonus doesn’t apply until first TC built.
Build Bonus is doubled on Economic Buildings and Houses.
BS Gold Loss is extended to counter units.
Vietnamese - Unique Techs Swap positions
Paper Money gold cost replaced with wood cost (does not benefit from civ bonus).
As said before I also think Gurjaras and Hindustanis need nerfs - not sure how to go about it.
Dravidians, Bengalis, and Goths needs buffs - same.
and Chinese need to be rebalanced to not be BAD or ABSURD.