Hey Jamesagrahm5,
I was able to mod most of your suggestions however I do not know how to make new unit models so everything is recycled assets. I also did not remove any cards as to not mess with anyone’s decks.
Fencing School makes Infantry and Cavalry train faster. Riding School gives 1 Mongol Scout.
There is an issue I could not figure out where aging up with the Mercenary Contractor to age 3 with Italy removes the Mercenary Loyalty tech from the lombard. As long as you don’t age up with that Politician it should be fine though.
The British have access to both 13 Cherokee and 13 Gurkha but they share the same build limit. Fun fact: From the files it seems like Gurkha were supposed to be a minor civilization unit from Nepal. There exists some strings in the files that follow the minor civilization upgrade format. It also makes sense why you can find a Gurkha as a treasure on some maps.
The British have access to a new card “Royal College of Surgeons” which gives 2 Surgeons, 1 Field Hospital Wagon, unlocks trainable Surgeons, and improves Surgeons’ heal rate.
The Legionnaires get 1.25x vs HI in volley mode, 1.25x vs siege/artillery in stagger mode, 1.5x vs cavalry in melee mode, and 1.25x vs cavalry in defend mode.
I did not have the assets needed for the Imperial Modernization tech so I just added the Treaty of Kanagawa as an age 4 mercenary shipment.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug where mercenary loyalty shipped an extra Uhlan with the German Logistician.
- Fixed bug where Infinite Habsburg Allies was discounted -25% with mercenary loyalty instead of -10%
- Removed German Mercenary Loyalty setting Wallenstein’s Contracts to 1500 coin when the tech already costs 1500 coin.
- Humbaraci now have 14 range in defend mode instead of 12 range.
- Humbaraci now have their multipliers in a consistent order amongst all combat formations.
- Fixed a bug where the Italian Grenade Launchers card says it enables grenadiers.
- Fixed a bug where Italy does not have access to Incendiary Grenades despite having access to Grenadiers.
If you run into any issues let me know. And here is the mod discussion page: Some Suggestions by Jamesagraham5