Some Suggestions by Jamesagraham5

Discuss Some Suggestions by Jamesagraham5


Was playing with this mod today and was really enjoying it. However, when I tried to send the New Gurkha shipment nothing happened. I waited at the town centre but no units appeared. I can only presume there must be a small error in the code.

I tested the French Foreign Legion shipment and that works perfectly. So does the British trainable surgeon card. Thought I’d flag this just as a heads up.

Many thanks for this amazing mod,


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Thanks for the heads up. It turned out when I made the update to the French Foreign Legion I accidentally deleted the assets for the Gurkhas and the Treaty of Kanagawa units. It should be fixed now as well as the bug where mercenary loyalty would not work with lombards if you age up with the mercenary contractor. I had to upload it a few times since the mod description and title kept getting censored for some reason.

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I love this mod, but I would like to suggest that the Theaters/Dance Hall card be a tech for Bar/Saloon/Lombards as well. :pray:


I updated the mod with this suggestion. It seems nice for the Asian civs since they can get access to their unique mercenaries easier.

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