First things First. Address the Matchmaking problems and Team Game ELO Ratings.
Also need to continue cleaning up Bugs and pathing problems.
Balance Changes
Nerfs to Top Civs
Franks - They need an early game nerf to slow down their snowball.
Cavalry HP bonus moved back to castle age - this means that their scouts are generic and won’t have head to head advantages against other civs scouts.
would also accept (though i don’t prefer it as much) removal of the berry bonus.
For Team Games i think Chivalry needs a nerf but my problem with this is that if you nerf Chivalry down to 30% you’re basically requiring a castle and a payment for a slightly better version of the Huns bonus.
Longer Lasting resources nerfed to 10%.
Archer discount changed to 10-15-20%.
El Dorado cost increased to 900 food and 650 gold.
Chinese - this civ needs a nerf i am just unsure how to go about it without utterly trashing the civ at lower skill levels. and while generally i believe that balancing around the top is the way, i also think civs should be at least playable by all.
Vikings - Free Wheelbarrow and Handcart changed to - Free WB and HC but need to be researched (researched in 1/3 of the time).
Clearly losing thumbring didn’t do anything to nerf Vikings viability at all, and does nothing to nerf their water dominance.
Aztecs - This civ needs a nerf but its so tightly tuned i am unsure how to go about it.
Lithuanians - starting food bonus reduced to 100.
Byzantines Logistica affects knights (Trample damage only).
or Gains Bloodlines BUT Elite/Cataphract lose 20 HP and lose access to Heavy Cav Archer.
Feitoria reworked - Feitoria is now a town center that can be built starting in castle age that costs +100 wood and +50 stone, all resources returned are increased by 10%. (This is just an idea, the goal is feitoria useful on land maps and not op on water maps).
Incas - Team Bonus changed to affect mill research speed in addition to faster building farms.
Goths - Gain plate barding or Thumb ring.
Spanish - Faster building speed bonus is doubled for houses and mills/lumber/mining.
Italians - age up discount increased to 20%.
docks and university techs discount decreased to 25%.
gain Siege Engineers.
Burmese - unique techs swap places. adjust prices and numbers as neccesary.
water change to facilitate better balance - the following civs gain access to shipwright.
Berbers, Indians, and Saracens