My wishlist for the next big update

I think that the DLC could include 5 new civs and new campaigns and Historical Battles - this game simply belongs.

It’s nice if the first DLC for AoE 1 DE focused on the areas north of the Roman Empire. This DLC could be called “Fall of Rome”, it would fit the name of another DLC - “Rise of Rome”. This DLC could include the following civs: Goths, Huns, Slavs, Germanians, and Celts. I think it would be interesting not only for AoE fans.

Of course, more new DLCs could appear later:

  1. Africa and Arabian Peninsula DLC - Nubians, Lybians, Berbers (Numidians), Israelites and Arabs (Nabataeans)
  2. Asia DLC - Indians (Mauryans), Armenians, Scythians, Mongols (Xionghu) and Funan (Southeast Asian Empire)

Plus, Total War: Rome Remastered is approaching, so the new AoE 1 DLC can “consolidate” fans of both AoE and TW, as well as people interested in antiquity. Total War: Rome Remastered is due to premiere in a few days. The announcement of the plan for a new DLC for AoE 1 DE at this time could be a great move from the devs.