I think fish are equivalent to things like deer and boar, though that’s more for shore fish than deep fish. For deep fish, it’s typically on maps where space is limited, so having them refresh (keep in mind it is fairly slow) allows a player to sustain food collection. Deep fish effectively take the place of a farming transition.
All of that in mind, fishing spots cannot be walled off and cannot have defensive emplacements around them. Fishing is far more vulnerable than farms because of that alone.
On farms, it requires large amount of resources to establish farming for 20+ villagers, and is the slowest food gathering source (before upgrades).
Can’t really speak for lengthening construction time on farms. Short term it makes farms more vulnerable (as well as making the villager constructing them less valuable for the time they are building it), but long term it is roughly the same. That change doesn’t seem nearly as unreasonable as making farms a limited food source. I could go in depth on how poorly it would effect the game, but I don’t think that’s reasonable considering that wasn’t OPs request.
Anything that simulates a 2Tc should not be cheap, a dock should cost at least half of a Tc. This system only makes civilizations viable with a good early game, especially on hybrid maps.
Okay, the dock is like a cheap and very convenient second Tc, it should cost more, civilizations without economical bonuses should be improved in water, as the English reduced the cost of ships by 10%, I don’t want them to lower the collection rate any more deep sea
Considering the cost of the fishing boat is 50% higher than the cost of a villager, the latest nerft to the deep water collection rate is enough incentive to “fight” for the water; The problem is that the cost of the dock is so low that it only benefits civilizations with the ease of having a larger army or having better early game units.
cheap docks are the problem, if each TC cost 150 wood you are not going to blame the villagers’ 38/min rate!