Net changes swedes (mostly hakaa)

Want to actually list down and think about the changes for the hakka and what it is affected by

Pre patch (cant be bothered to mod this so will try to do all the math)

Since the unit was both hand cav and ranged cav, it was affected by all the swede cav cards

So HP card buffs total was (15% age 2 card, +30% from range cav combat and trample tactics and +15% from finnhorse) for a total of +60% HP

For Atk card buff the total was (15% age 2 card, +15% range cav combat) for a total of +30%

it was also a royal guard unit so add on add on an additional 10% HP and atk

and it was affected by range cavalry caracole and Pillage (+10% atk and +0.25 multi against buildings)

so in total thats 70% HP buff and +50% atk in addition to the normal +100% from stable upgrades for a total of +170% HP and +150% atk

with base HP of 210 and 20 atk that comes out fully maxed out stats of 567HP and 50 atk

Post change
with the removal of the hand cav tag, its no longer affected by the age 2 HP card, it would also not be affected by the age 2 atk card but that was changed to affect all cav so that doesnt change. So it is losing 15% HP buff from this. However this is offset by a bit by finnhorse going to 20%

so at net its only losing a 10% HP buff, for a total of +160% HP and 150% atk

it also however had its base HP reduced to 205, so its lategame HP is 533, losing about 34 HP compared to pre patch

the swede pikes also got nerf but people may not have noticed is that the change to the age 2 card is effectively a removal of +15% atk for the pikes since the old card affected hand infantry as well as cavalry, so in effect the pikes got a bigger nerf i think then the hakka

but swedish hussars are actually just got tiny buff since finnhorse got buffed by 5%, they have like 832 HP now lategame, which is only 16 more HP then before but it does make its crown as the tankiest hussar in the game more even more so

edit: I also never noticed this but the hakka multi against vils is higher at 0.75 instead of the normal 0.5. combined with the AOE it means against clumped up vils it has an effective x1.5 multi against vils which is pretty nutty


Hakkas are still strong for a goon. The problem Sweden has is their economy not taking off, which remains.

I would disagree because the removal of the hand cav tech seems to have removed the Trample mode which was one of the most busted apects they had due to a really high trample damage and the combination with Trample Tactics.

The real sad thing is Team Hand Cavalry Attack from the French no longer helps Hakkas. With all seriousness though, the pike nerfs were good. The Hakka nerfs were good, maybe too much, maybe too little idk.

Nerfs were good but they should have something for a better 1v1 performance of the civ


Maybe this is a chance to give them something better like with the royal dragoon native unit

Stampede mode seems to be better then old trample mode and it would fit them perfectly

Yeah but that would push them right back to being OP