New African Civs Poll

Surprised that no one wants Hausq

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All these civs are needed by the way.

Of course an African civ will not have many interactions with existing civs if there are only 3 African civs in the game.


If the Shona of Zimbabwe get into the game, I think their UU should be some sort of axeman similar to the Celtic Woad Raider. The Shona culture has produced some very distinctive axes.


Apologies for the delay. I intended to continue my post, but I got busy.

@KingofQuebec368 nobody likes it. What I did was just a ranking of the most likely civs, so everyone can get a general idea. “Little info” refers to details that are unfortunately missing. But for the game, (military, economic and religious info) there is enough material, no need to worry. And as I said above, the devs made Mayans and Huns with a lot less.

@TungstenBoar you’re right, it’s possible to make a campaign about Idris Alooma reforming the army, defeating the Bulala and instituting new laws (and consequently putting down riots).
If you can share the images of the wonders, that would be nice. Here are some concepts of AlMusafir from r/aoe2 as well.

For the Shona, it’s really hard. Maybe we can make King Gatsi Rusere, but the story takes place from 1550 onwards.

@TyrannoNinja Kondrikthus envisioned this unit for Shona. He was one of those who helped FE team with AK.


Mayans are surprisingly well recorded tho

Heck, they are better recorded than Malians imo

Tbh its not great, but its something. Maybe its better to stay with reconstructions, but honestly Djado would look pretty nice as a wonder

I think Nyatsimbe Mutota is fairly comparable to Sundjata so I see no big problem with him

Interesting point, never thought of that.

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Ideally I feel any new African DLC should mainly focus on West/East/North African civs and generally skip over the Bantu as:

  • The addition of a new Architecture set that fully seperates the completely culturally distinct Eastern Christian Africa region (Ethiopia, Makuria/Nubians) from Western Islamic Africa region (Malians, Ghana) would be more justifiable (example of what this could look like below)
  • Many of the Bantu African Civs rose up only very late in the AOE2 timeline and had very little to no contact with other non-african civs with the exception of just the Portuguese, this gives them much weaker Campaign potential then the previously mentioned Western/Eastern/Northern African regions.
  • Some of the proposed Bantu civs like Zimbabwe have very little solid historical information about them that could be used to inform the design of a civ as outlined by @nefftron

That was a joke. Just stating an interesting coincidence. (I hope it is a coincidence, lol)

Cuman campaign is a made up one too so I dont really see why we cant make one for zimbabwe.

Is this a joke? What do you exactly mean by and why do you think the Cuman campaign is “made up”, all of the over-arching narrative events the Campaign depicts (Initial indecisive Cuman-Mongol battles, alliance with the Rus’, defeat at the Kalka River and the subsequent flight to Hungary and Bulgaria, murder of Kotyan, etc) all actually happened in real life.

AOE2 Campaigns even if they take creative liberties for purpose of Narrative (because ya know, this is a video game that has limits to it what it can express) are always based on historical events, and to make up a completely fantastical story about Zimbabwens when you could do a perfectly fine one instead of actual African history like idk Ummayad invasion of Makuria/Nubia would be a disservice to the game. There’s a reason why this game doesn’t have an “Elves” civ with a campaign fighting against the evil “Orc” civ commanded by the devious Lord Blorg


It’s a campaign based on refugee’s fleeing Mongols.If that can be made into a campaign anything can.

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You can literally make anything sound ridiculous when you describe it in the most simplistic and reductionist way possible, here’s an example “World War 1 is just a conflict caused by inbred royals badly communicating to each other, if you can make movies about that, you can make movies about anything”.

If you think a completely-up fantasy story about Zimbabwens would be better than a Campaign that depicts the real world aftermaths of the Mongol invasion of the Kievan Rus’, Hungary, Sack of Constantinople, etc. Then what am I supposed to say?


If Cumans are in a game with a campaign, every African civ listed here fit the game.

No lol, that isn’t very true


Are 4 DLCs going to be enough to cover Africa? (excluding North Africa)

If that’s what you believe :clown_face:


I get your point,I’m not saying make a completely fantasy campaign for new civis.But if we lack full details and written records about individuals or battles creative freedom can be applied.

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They were a powerful force in that era not some isolated under developed tribe.


Or just not add them to the game in the first place.

If even their own history isn’t recorded how can you expect people to want them. I don’t want a mystery made up civ in any case. Would be insulting to add a civ or campaign for something with hardly any records