As the Ottomans and the Malians are going to be added, I’m hoping for some new animals whether it’d be a wild, huntable, or herdable one. Now I already know that the cattle will be introduced because I’ve seen it when Malians are being played as due to them having a cattle ranch. Now, an example of a new wild animal I’m hoping to see is the Lion because the Lion is in Africa and was historically in the Anatolia. An example of a new huntable animal is the Gazelle because that animal is located in both, Africa and the Middle East (including the Anatolia). An example of a new herdable animal is the goat because that’s also spread throughout Africa and the Middle East.
Unfortunately, in the current PUP, the Sahara Desert biome (the sole African biome) has deer, wolves, and boar like all the other maps. Which is a disappointment for me, since I would like to see distinctly African fauna as well.
Gazelle, lions, and elephants would be my pick for African huntables as a nice callback to the first Age game.
Lions also exist in Asia to this day. There were even lions native to Europe (went extinct during Romans’ time).
Agree. Also, I think these berry bushes seem kinda out of place in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Maybe reskin them a bit.
Some will say changing berry bushes, or swapping wolves for lions would “confuse” them and hurt “readability”. I once complained about the total lack of birds and those were the responses I got, go figure.
thats just an stupid thought , changing textures its not a problem , those who complain about readibility let me remind them that the 2 abbasid cammels are basically the same at first glance .
SO changing them should be a problem at all.
i also want little birds hanging around the map like in other game of empires…
We’ve got to see new animals introduced. Lion and Gazelle are very good ideas to add.
With the saharan biome and the new savana biome we need more wildlife because deer, boar and wolves are best suited for Eurasia but not for Africa. So put Lion, Gazelle (iconic unit since AoE 1) and Warthog.
Also tiger will be fine in subtropical Asia and bear in taiga.
Of course we need new animals. For the African biomes, the wolf, boar, deer, and sheep would all be replaced by the hyena, warthog, gazelle, and goat respectively. The lion can be given the 50% chance of being the bitey animal on the African and Mediterranean biomes.
They unironically held an event for all the animals in AoE4. Yes, all 4 animals.
I’m still hoping that was just them hinting at a future graphics patch.
The wild berries thing is also a good thing to note. Would be nice to see more appropriate assets in the right biomes. Trees are especially hurting in this category, as there is too much overlap in some of those assets.
On the topic of Reddit being a hive mind. Yesterday someone posted about Mulsim civs being at a disadvantage for not having access to boar (I think it’s compensated by their faster berry gather rate, but whatever). The OP then proceeded to suggest other animals as an alternative (buffalos and such).
I replied saying that the problem was bigger than that and evidenced a generalized and severe lack of fauna in the game. I got downvoted to hell. That’s why we are 2 years in with this game and only the sound design folks cared to add some life to maps / biomes. The rest is a barren wasteland.
I hope you’re aware Sahara and Savannah are not the same thing.
Wait, have they confirmed a savanna biome upcoming for the new DLC?
The official page say that there were two new biomes and the DLC page on the wikia say that the two new biome are japanese and savannah.
those are just the hardcore gamer’s complaint. The real answer is : too much work for developpers.
Aoe 2 has lots of animals, AoM has even more, and both had a healthy competitive scene…
I don’t think it’s “too much work” for developers to add in new animals because adding in new animals is something that should be done.
I mean, it should not be. Yeah. But it is still work the dev seems to not want to do. Simple as that.
The same with the editor. It would greatly help us players who want to test different combat tactics, unit fighting abilities and etc but we cant because the dev only went as far to create some map modeling tool instead of a full-fledged in-game editor like all the other Age of games.
I do support gazelle and lions for the African biomes, but there actually are a handful of African suids which superficially resemble wild boar. These are the African bushpig, the giant forest hog, and the red river hog. The latter two are admittedly better adapted to African rainforests than savanna, but the bushpig at least ranges into regions of Africa with more savanna-like terrain.