So, just for fun, I tried to make a concept for the hypothetical 4th Atlantean Major God. I picked Pontus, the primordial god of the sea, since I think it would really fit the Atlanteans as a sea-based civilization.
For the Major God’s focus, right now, Atlanteans have 3 archer units (Turma, Cheiroballista and Arcus), yet those units have scarcely any unique upgrades. The only one that comes to mind is Orichalcum Mail from Rheia (which is very weak). Alongside this is the fact that Towers and Walls are not used much because they are too expensive for their value and Atlanteans have potentially strongest walls in the game, so it seemed that the best way to go with a new Atlantean Major god would be having one that’s boosting both archers and the defensive abilities of Atlantean buildings.
So, here it is. Hopefully there’s some good ideas in there:
Pontus (Primordial God of the Sea) - Focus: Archers and Defense
Major God Bonuses:
Ranged Soldiers and Defensive Fortifications have their Attack increased by 15%.
Ballista Tower upgrade is available in Mythic Age.
Towers, Walls and their Upgrades (Watch Tower, Guard Tower, Ballista Tower, Boiling Oil, Crenellations, Signal Fires, Carrier Pigeons, Stone Wall, Bronze Wall, Iron Wall, Orichalcum Wall) are 30% cheaper.
All buildings gain +10% HP and -5% Hack and Crush Vulnerability upon every Age advancement.
Can build Flood Pillars.
God Power: Coral Reef
Friendly buildings in a medium-sized area (about the same area as Chaos god power) are protected by reefs of red coral for 30 seconds, increasing their current and maximum HP by 500.
Unique Technology: Red Coral
Increases the bonus HP granted by Coral Reef (to 1000 HP), reduces Coral Reef’s cooldown by 25% and sets its recast cost to a static 15 Favor.
Unique Building: Flood Pillar (Build Cost: 100 Wood, 10 Favor)
A defensive building that summons large waves of water that damage multiple enemy units and throw them backwards.
Damage, AoE attack radius and HP of Flood Pillars is increased in each subsequent age. Flood Pillars are weak in Archaic Age.
The player is able to build 1 in Archaic Age and gains the ability to build 1 additional one in each subsequent Age, up to 5 in Wonder Age.
Minor Gods:
Classical Age:
Phoebe (Titaness of Prophecy and Intuition) Focus: Archers and Support
God Power: Farsight
Increases the Line of Sight of all of your units by 12 and boosts Favor generation of Oracles for 40 seconds.
Myth Unit: Moirai
Mythology: Fateweavers, based on the three moirai sisters that weave fate of mortal men.
Ranged units with 10 range, they have a charged ability named Weave Fate that summons an orb at an enemy’s location for 5 seconds. The orb boosts Attack of friendly units and reduces Attack of enemy units by 10% in its radius.
Threads of Fate
Reduces the cooldown of the Weave Fate charge ability of the Moirai by 25% and the duration of the orb from Weave Fate is doubled.
Inner Focus
Oracles start with their maximum line of sight and no longer lose line of sight when they move.
Archery Competitions
Reduces cost of turning Ranged soldiers into heroes by 30%.
Focused Fire
Arcus can be trained in the Classical Age and they gain the Focused Fire ability.
Focused Fire ability increases the Attack of Arcus by 2% for each second while attacking, up to 30%. When not attacking, the Bonus is decreased by 1% each second.
Heroic Age:
Tethys (Wife of Oceanus and Titaness of Seas and Rivers) Focus: Archers and Economy
God Power: Whirlpool
Summons a powerful whirlpool in a large area that traps units inside for 12 seconds and damages them while they remain trapped inside.
Myth Unit: Naiad
Mythology: Naiads are water nymphs, connected to rivers and springs.
Ranged myth unit. More HP and armor and less range (lets say 15 range) and damage compared to Satyr. Has a special Geysir charged ability that deals damage in a small area and throws enemy units into the air.
Mother of Oceanids
Increases HP of Naiads and Nereids by 30% and gives them HP regeneration of 1.5 HP per second.
Lumber Trade
Caravans also drop off Wood equal to 30% of the generated Gold.
Archerfish Insignia
Ranged Soldiers gain +10% Attack and +2 Range and Line of Sight.
Guiding Currents
Biremes gain +10% movement speed and a chance to spawn free Nereids when attacking (whenever they deal 700 damage total).
Mythic Age:
Iapetus (Titan of Mortality) Focus: Human Soldiers and Heroes
God Power: Wrath of the Titans
For 50 seconds, all of your military units deal bonus Divine Damage.
Myth Unit: Catoblepas
Mythology: Catoblepas is a large, scaly bull monster that was said to dwell in Aethiopia. It has petrifying breath.
Melee myth unit. Has a special charged breath attack ability on long cooldown that petrifies any human soldiers or myth units in a small area in front of it for 3 seconds and deals damage to them.
Golden Age
Heroes gain +20% Attack and deal +1 Divine damage.
Progenitors of Mankind
Promoting units to heroes no longer costs favor.
Legions of Atlantis
Human Soldiers are trained 20% faster and whenever one of your human soldiers or heroes dies, there’s a 5% chance that a free replacement unit spawns where they just fell.
Aethiopian Bulls
Upgrades Catoblepas into Bull Catoblepas, reducing their Hack and Pierce vulnerability by 30% and increasing the petrification duration of their special ability by 1 second.