Cheirosiphon, infantry with increased anti-siege & anti-building
This UU might seem close to a non-suicidal Petard, but is classified as infantry instead, without bonus versus walls and gates.
It is relatively slow moving, with low melee attack (it functions like a Fire Ship on land), bonus attack versus siege units and buildings, doesn’t die easily to melee attacks (i.e. enemy infantry garrisoned in Rams that comes towards your castle) due to increased melee armor, low pierce armor, able to garrison own Rams to boost them like proper infantry, and to move in front protected from arrow fire… kind of like Teutonic Knight, a castle defender and Ram utilizer, not just a Petard. Ram utilizer versus enemy castles and town centers; versus defense-less buildings performs relatively equal to Rams on its own.
Trainable at castle, it’s a supplementary tool of importance for the defensive civ, since it gives a second “role” UU option to train.
Greek Fire UT gives it +1 range:
Byzantines will then have cheap anti-archer & anti-cavalry units, and hard anti-infantry & anti-siege UUs.
- It does compete with Mangonel in defense, but only in some situations (Mango has better range and is easier to deploy since it’s trainable at workshop, but can’t garrison structures), and Cheirosiphon gives more incentive to the Byzantine castle drop play, which is currently generic and usually without production options.
- It doesn’t really compete with Bombard in defense, because Bombard still does perform more convincingly versus enemy Trebuchets.
I like this. i like this ALOT
Flamethrower man nation fun, is elected life new
Please leave byzantines alone.
This unit is depicted in a Byzantine treatise of the 10th century known as Poliorcetica, it’s as core Byzantine as it gets.
What is with the outpour of byzantines threads these past few months? Its a little obnoxious and while I know they’re not coordinated and its unfair to proclaim still. Ease up!
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They need love, and a new building set. I think all civs should be given a 2nd UU to ensure balance across the numbers.
Because the byzantines are showing their age, and they need an overhaul.
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Let’s say we add only related and tested content here and there, like this, to update older civs and battle power creep; I don’t think we want to change civilizations’ identities.
Theyre one of the most consistent civs since forever . A good benchmark civ. Can you explain how its broken or why it needs a second UU
It needs a refresh. It’s a stale boring civilisation now.
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How long have you even played this game? All due respect, which isnt much, you sound like you picked it up months ago at best
It feels like a Turtle ship. It’s cool but you never use it. Cool looking pic though.
Imo the most realistic changes that can be maybe without disrupting the game’s balance, are the cosmetic ones.
And definitely Byzantines need an extra Unique Hero. We don’t have a Byzantine Emperor unit in game, for example:
And maybe reskin the champion into something like this(without changing its stats)
And about Greek fire maybe a reskin on their fast fire ships:
Just few reskins will refresh the Byzantines without disturbing their balance.
It’s actually Teutonic Knight with adjusted stats (and functions like Fire Ship), very tested and well known things. Someone can argue that TK is also never used, but when you go for a TK+Ram push in your 1v1s, is super fun strategy nowadays with all the Infantry buffs, and Ram quality of life improvements. TKs are also notable castle defenders.
Make Boarding Warship a replacement for the Fire Ship in the generic tech tree, then let the Fire Ship be the naval UU of the Byzantines.
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I created my account here when I got the game, and i have been playing it on and off since then 
I have bad memories of when I first got the game, was living with my folks still, and I got beat for playing too much and ditching classes. 
is bad father! no see father more
Varangian Guards need to be added somehow.
Byz already just got Dromon so do they need more changes already