New Civ concept: the Venetians

This is the first thing that I saw similar too.

Its a good choice as they have nothing in knight feel having the cavalier would be a good option as they have nothing to take down fast moving enemies.

I was referring this ship as its the closest thing to a gally with its oars.

Maybe the fire ship in aoe de would work as its a dormon ship.

Do you forum civ makers hate techs?

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I made a mod for the Venetian Civ, made with CivBuilder and Genie Editor.
I tried to make it almost similar to what i have seen in this thread.
Even the UU is really unique.
I still need to fix something, but i think itā€™s a good starting point for now.
Try it and suggest some fixes or changes.

Itā€™s called [MOD]Venetians Civilization and include the UI counterpart.


Interesting, Iā€™ll try to download and look at it.

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It would be great if you can share the details on the civi here as well.

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@SourishLeader2 venetian civ is the following:


  • start with +150w
  • archers move 5/10/15% faster
  • TCs and docks works 5/10/15/20% faster
  • builders work 30% faster


  • market works 50% faster

UU: stradiot - cav that costs only gold


  • pavise
  • paper money

I played a game and i find out that Venetians work, but other civs not as supposed to do.
For example the Chinese player started making Battle Elephants, Eagle Warriors and Steppe Lancers and i have no idea why and had the same architecture as Teutons and Goths, maybe @KrakenLord9254 has an answer to that.

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Yeah the tool is tricky, anyway the main idea was to test and see if the venetians were balanced.

Question? How did you implement the stradiot that costs only gold?

What i tried to do was to test this CivBuilder tool and change the UU to something different to other civs.
The Stradiot is basically a Paladin with 130 Hp (Post-imp), trained at castle for 100 gold and the skin of the Centurion, but this is only a test to see if i can use an UU instead of the picked one on the the CivBuilder. Obviously i can change everything about the civ to match what people want.

This Mod is the work of my first day with the CivBuilder and Advanced Genie Editor, so i cannot make too many things 11


My personal opinions on the civ is the following:

I agree with those 3 of course, since I used the same bonuses for mine design. The persians bonus isnā€™t optimal, but is the closest thing that we haveā€¦

I used that one too, but then I removed when I saw that you can have a TB that makes dock build 100% faster, which was the original purpose.

The idea is to represent their industrial capacity of ships building, and to dock super early, with FS that are trained faster.

Thatā€™s is a pretty useless bonus of its own, since markets need to be fast only in post imp for carts, and even there, you can just build more of them.

As I said, giving +100% building speed to docks would be better. Or, if you really want to give them a trade TB, give them ā€œtrade units are 30% fasterā€.

Ideally, I would give them the TB that ā€œdocks gives +5 popā€, but there isnā€™t such bonus, so instead I would give them all gathering buildings (hopefully docks are included) gives +5 pop instead of the spanish bonus.

Well, with FU arbs that moves 15% faster, I fear that pavise is OP, even if it would be historically accurate.

Paper money is fine, but more because there isnā€™t the possibility to give them original UTs.

Yeah of course :joy:

The stradiot as I imagined it, should be more like a cavalier than a paladin, but apart from that, the the HP seems fine, I would like to see its other stats.

Anyway, apart from the ā€œgold onlyā€ cost, its other unique feature should be that itā€™s not affected by any upgrades (except for elite), so for example, you donā€™t need the 2 armor tech in castle age, just a castle.

Can you do that? Taking your time of course :joy:

Yes, something like the Team Bonus and the UTs were a bit random. The idea is to make original Techs using the Genie Editor.
For the UU i donā€™t know (at the moment) how to implement the blacksmith thing, so i decided to make a unit not too op focusing mainly on learning the editor tool.

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Mmm ok. Iā€™m not an expert by any means, but maybe if you give them an unique unit class, that itā€™s not archers, infantry or cav, it should be a unit unaffected by blacksmith techs? Iā€™m just randomly browsing ideas so I donā€™t know if itā€™s possible.

Yeah I imagined itā€¦

Well, for when you are able to do so, I may suggest 2 UTs for them.

  • Castle age UT: Arsenale
    Docks, siege workshops and blacksmiths works 40% faster

  • Imperial age UT: Fante de Mar
    Archer line gets +1 attack

Its possible you need to give a different class so the game dosent identify it as archer or something else.

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Yeah exactly, but do it need a class of its own?

I think changing in to another like siege might do the trick.

If I ever finish making this maybe it can be the stradiot?


Donā€™t you think this could be too op?

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These bonusses seem kind off overpowered, besides we already have the Italians and to some extand the Ostrogoths.

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I think Byz represent Venetians far better than Goths

Either way Venetians have a really small territory and are really close to the Italians gameplaywise

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Yup, I just posted an FAQ video explaining why that happens and a (decent) fix to it.