Ok new idea is to raplace knight line with Vlastela(because Vlastela exist since feudal ages, can be created in feudal age. Counter every type of infratry and monks but weak against CA,archers,camels because of low armor)
Since thay dont have accses to onager
But have skrms with lacking of last armor upgrade
Removed Gussar.
Vlastela(replaces knight line,CAN BE CREATED IN FEUDAL AGE from stable,strong v infratry,monk weak v archer, camel)
Cost: 60f70g(thought ages,to be balanced)
Hp: feudal age:75 C.age:100(without bloodlines)
Imperial Age:130(//)
Attack:feud.7 c.age 10 imp.13.
armor:feudal 1/1castle 2/2 imp 2/3
LOS:as a regural knight
Names changing:feud.(early vlastela),c.age(vlastela)Imp age(heavy vlastela)
Heavy Vlastela upgrade: 1100f 650g weaker than Paladin stronger than Cavalier
Ability(ignore bonus damage from spear-line)
Feudal age will be balanced if archers get bonus damage against them since thay are expensive
and hard to create(ability not available in Feudal age, Because of balance).
Then there’s no point of advertising .
God please no
Also the feudal age version of the unit is busted. The castle age version may work but it will be hard to balance with those stats
Ok then it doesnt have that ability in feud.age, as camel scout dont have bonus damage in dark and feudal age
Even without the ability it seems pretty OP tbh
Archers deal bonus damage + spears+if archers have fleching thay will easy be cleaned in that case its balanced in my opinion since you cant create much of them because are expensive(you can create like 2 or 3) but will be strong raiding unit
Would be better to name them according to the task they are related to rather than numbers.
Idea for unit icon
Allemannic Guard and Vitez (aoc version)
Gussar?(aoc version)
You already have a unit skin like that in-game.
You can use him to reskin boyar or leitis and change voice set with your Serbian set and voila you have the Serbs Civ.
It will be a very simple non-data mod which will even be multiplayer compatible.
This looks like a civ with OP tech tree hindered by a lack of early game eco bonus
- The knight UU is strong vs everything but camels and paladins.
- Early game you have to use archers and
- late game you die if you dont have camels or paladins, as these are 2+2/3+2+1 with forge and unique castle tech, and 130+20hp.
- Moreover, their 13+4+2 attack make them need one less hit against Arbalests compared to cavaliers (even without the imperial UT). So definitely not weak vs archers.
- Ignoring Pike bonus damage make them very strong. Conversion resistance and bonus Damage vs Monks makes some civs ferl helpless against them.
- You can always mix in halbs to deal with camels and paladins, but there is nothing non-camel civs can mix in to help. Maybe CavArchers if the unit is slow ?
I don’t like your castle UT. A building generation resources. I don’t really like Feitoria either, but at least they cost pop and are pop inefficient as long as there are resources available. Giving the fortified monastery a stone cost isnt enough for me
I wouldnt call a monk without sanctity and theocracy strong, these are quite important techs (especially sanctity)
I dont like TB “Camel line +2 LOS”, to similar to Mongols
The civ have strong archers/CA, Knights/Hussars, Halberdiers, and Siege (minus onager), so a wide techtree. So it make sense to have weak eco bonus.
My proposition is to give more counterplay to the knight UU:
- Remove the bonus attack/resistance ofgknights UU against monks
- Set all knight UU variants to 1 PA. Then the castle age knight UU will be weaker than knights against crossbows (-1 PA). And the imperial cavalier is also weaker than cavalier against arbalesters
- You will have 3 weaknesses in Monks, Crossbows, and Camels (only 13 civs have camels)
- If your civ should have good monks, give Sanctity. Maybe allow monks and/or villagers to garnison in Monastery UB
- Maybe replace TB with Monks +2 LOS ?
The idea if having early knights sounds interesting. You are much stronger in Feudal even taking into account except the lack of early eco bonus, but have a delayed power spike in castle age due to having to upgrade the knights.
But you shouldnt add to much gimics to it. Monk resistance/bonus + pike resistance is too much gimics. You should remove at least one of them.
1 l agree l can remove monk bonus and thay are auto upgraded in castle age no need for upgrade
And maybe new c.age tech can be “Gussars” (light caravly line move and attack +20% faster)
Armor in full F.age 1+1/0+1(removed one P armor)
Attack 7+1
Armor in full c.age 2+2/1+2
Attack in c.age 10+2
Removed one armor 2/3-1 of Vlastela
Armor when is fully upgraded(2+2/2+2)
Team bonus as you said Monks +2los
I wanted it be stronger than Cavalier and weaker than Paladin.
Vlastela resistance and bonus damage to monks removed
Allemannic guard and Vitez(via upgrade) can be slowly produced from Fortified Monasteries
Units can be garissoned in Fortified monasteries.
New imp tech “Ortodox relic” (Gold miners generate food, relics generate gold 2× faster)
1000f 650g
Agree. I think it can be balanced very well with the gold cost (needing a mining camp) and the slower movement speed of the vlastela compared to the scout line. Definetely an interesting idea.
I think they need 2 PA like scout line. Another option would also be to give them 0/1 armor but higher HP so they would have a higher resistance to the spear line. Then it would be better balanceable for TGs (weaker vs scout/archers).
In 1v1s it’s fairly easy to balance but TGs can be complicated. I think it needs probably to be a bit weaker than knights in castle age to be balanced, like just 1 atk less or slower rof or something like this.
But I like the idea. I think we have tested now enough with bohemians and gurjaras that earlier access to units can be a really nice identity for a civ if it’s done well. Knights are probably the hardest unit to do so, but with the vlastela devs would have all freedom they need to make it balanced.
Cool idea.
Why the Gussar was removed?
Then it will be 3uu and 1 uB l think its to much
You mean Vlastela 0/2 armor in Feudal age?
But then thay will be more resistant to archers in castle age
l think its best to have 1/1 in feudal
And HP:80
Yeah in c.age can be 9 att
I prefer Gusars over Alemanic guard. To me it’s unnecessary to have foreign mercenary as UU when you have several options for domestic UUs.
But i do admit Alemanic guard looks awesome, dismounted cavalier is cool.
I like your idea, it’s somewhat similar with the one i proposed.
Fortified Monasteries? Beautiful!
I have been to Studenica Monastery recently, and of course. It’s surrounded by walls
Overall i think you did a great job. I can’t find anything to critique about.
Playing with stats and bonuses is the key.
I had a hard time with my civ proposal, but i think i got it after 38 edits, despite some people disliking it.
You can’t satisfy everyone
Also sticking with Vlastela is a good idea, because it’s original.
Well done.
PS: I reviewed the voice lines.
6780 to 6788 are okay, but they still have very hard Russian accent and wrong pronunciation
like the other ones. 6783 should have said урадићу то for example, instead of урадити то.
Also, 6772 to 6779 sound gibberish, there is no Serbian words or alphabet used in 90% of cases.
Sticking with just Old Slavic or modern Serbian will fix the issue with the voice lines.
Native Serbian speaker should nail it pretty well.
This video should help with the pronunciations. It is 100% accurate.
Thank you l know its not the best voice line but…
l taked it from mod tsars and salesman on moddb
(Znam da nije najbolji voice line, ali nisam ih ja snimio(uzeo sam iz moda tsars and salesman))
To je jedini materijal koji imam
Videću ako nadjem jos nesto mozda uploadujem ovde
Serbs music theme proposal:
Theme song normal:
Extended version:
Not best edit but l think its ok
l used sound editor you need to open it with mp3 or win media player…
Edit: l converted files now you can just open mp3
Ai Names
Nemanjić Dynasty (1166-1371)
Great Župan Stefan
King Stefan I
King Uroš the Great
Tsar Dušan The Mighty
Lazarević Dynasty (1371-1427)
Tsar Lazar
Despot Stefan The Tall
Branković Dynasty (1427-1459)
Vuk Branković
Despot Djuradj
Destpot (Byzantine titule)
Great Župan (Great Prince)
Tsar (Emperor)
Stefan The Mighty
Expanding territory and rising into Empire
Tsar Lazar
Fight for Territory(Against Nikola Altomanović)
and Preparing ans Defending from Ottomans(Turks)
Great Župan Stefan Nemanja
Building and Defending from Byzantines
Fighting against rebelion(Bogumils)
Civ Icon
Tsar, Tzar, Czar… it always bugged me which is used and why