New Civs Discusion and potential Changes (Sicilians/ Burgundians)

Hi Sylne4r,

really like your breakdown and suggestions. Maybe a few things to add/change:

  • As you said it’s hard to judge yet if Flemish Revolution is too strong or not. Anyway I would like to forward an idea I saw earlier which I would really like there: What to do about the Flemish Revolution?
  • I totally agree with you on the Costilliers charge attack. The biggest problem I see is that is one-shots vilagers and crossbows in castle age and also arbalest in imperial age. The segond big problem I see is less in early castle age where less units are around and micro is very important and “easy” (compared to the lategame). Some combination of reduced attack, recharge time, unit speed may do the trick.
  • However I would like to introduce another idea: What if the charge attack only works against cavalry units instead of all units, making them the “unique burgundian camels”? This would also suit my imagination of what this charge represents: The middle age tournaments where two knights running towards each other with a huge lance in their hand.


  • Agree with all you said.
  • What could possibly reduce that heavy power spike a little is if you can research the tech to then produce an amount of Sergants for free in your town centers? So to make the units it occupies TC-time which slows down your vilager production. The amount of units could also be indepenent of how many TCs you got since the only difference is how fast you get your units or how much eco (vils-production) you are willing to sacrifice in the meantime.
  • Just one thing that comes in mind when thinking about Sicilians: Shouldn’t they have a little more bonuses towards water than just their team bonus?

To your Questions:
1: What do you think of the New Civs, do you agree with my First Impressions:

  • I don’t like the one-time use techs with the instant power spike
  • Overall the charge attack or the tower-building-sergeants are a nice idea that can be good if they can manage to properly balance them

2: What do you guys think about my potential Problems and potential Solutions/ Changes to the Civs:

  • See above

3: If you like the idea to give the Sicilians the Team Bonus to get a little bit of Stone from Relics which Team bonus would you then give to the Burgandians?

  • I’m fine with a team bonus that is related to water for sicilians.

Have a nice day :slight_smile: