New DLC Inbound!

There have been a comment about new trees.
I love it. I hope they will make cosmetic changes to the 2 japanese scenarios in V&V.
I still wish for Tibetans (how can you depict medieval time of the area without them?) but I know chances are super low…


And new king in second image (in bottom left)

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Thats a hero unit,you can see the glow below it.

Another thing to consider when civilization guessing is all previous civis showed up in which ever is added there is a good chance they are already ingame.

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I wonder if Korean would get Hwachas. I must say I have never been a fan of War wagons.

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I’ve been doing some research into the castle in the second image. I have figured out that it’s Jurchen. The flag is a match to this one held up by the Iron Pagodas at the back:


I’ve figured out where I’ve seen the second castle before. I think the devs got inspired by the HD mod section which is pretty cool…

Steam Workshop::Asian Fortifications


So it looks like only 2 new civs and no tibetan and no kihtan. Maybe not even a Chinese castle. I really hope there is more to come.

I noticed a lot of fire on the maps. Could be just eye candy but maybe some units have a new effect of leaving behind flames that hurt units.


They did say it was a sneak peek. Perhaps there is more, perhaps not.

There are a lot of new units on there for just two civs. So perhaps it’s more than those two and the rest they are keeping under wraps.

But still, hard to figure out for sure.

OH! I also figured out what the grenadier is from historically. The Ming Dynasty. So, Chinese. However if they actually end up with the Chinese civ is another question.


You have an eagle eye well done.
Juchens show up in mongol campaign too.

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Fire lancers and Nest of Bees should belongs to Chinese. But then, Chinese will have 3 UU in total (plus chu ko nu) Fire lancers become Unique upgrade of petards or spearman?

So what about the wonders?

Tangut/ Xia

My guess for Tanguts:
Apparently those are mausoleum complexes, now hidden under a layer of sand

(Western Xia mausoleums - Wikipedia)

If the castle in the snowy pic with the river is Jurchen, they have Chu ko nus, I’m wondering if they are going to replace Arbalests with Chu ko nus as a regional unique upgrade in the archery range for all the civs in the region and then give Chinese a new UU (perhaps that Fire lancer).

I wouldn’t be suprised if the Nest of Bees is also a shared Siege Workshop unit with the Koreans (at least), since they used them under a different name as well.

The Thunder crash bombs were used during the Song Dynasty, which might be the earliest use of them.

The Chinese were indeed the first people who invented and well used those bombs in war against the Jurchens and Mongols. After the Jurchens conquered the northern China, the Jin Dynasty also learned how to make them and first upgraded their casings from paper and bamboo to iron, and they used those iron-casing bombs in war against the Song Chinese and Mongols. Finally, iron-casing bombs, like other Chinese gunpowder weapons like fire lances and fire arrows (rockets), were not only used by the Chinese and Jurchens but also by Mongols during the invasion of Japan.

The grenadier based on those bombs can be the units shared by both the Chinese and the Jurchens, or unique to one of them, or just a scenario unit. People guess it might be unique unit of the Jurchens in order to emphasize their improvement of powerful iron-casing bombs. Personally, I hope the Chinese can have more gunpowder weapons rather than completely giving the theme to the Jurchens, as the Chinese are the origins of those. If the Chinese cannot have access to the Fire Lancer and the Nest of Bees, I hope the grenadier belongs to the Chinese; if the Chinese can have access to those units, it’s fine to see the grenadier being a unique unit of the Jurchens.


Hmm, I thought doesn’t look the same colour – but I guess they’re using the Autumn map lighting so it looks yellower than normal.

Koreans could have them too, they used them in the Imjin War. Although I think it’s more likely that they might just have placed them for the screenshot even if it’s the wrong civ – I think they did that in some DoI preview screenshots.

I am pretty sure they just placed them near the new castle to look cool.

Jurchens didn’t use the Chu ko nu. Plus with all these other units, there is a lot of other stuff pushing for regional status.


I was hoping somebody would be able to match the crests on the castle to historical examples. To help us confirm what’s what.

Yeah I noticed the iron pagoda shield design, but it wasn’t as close of a match. I wonder if the red part of the design will match the player color, instead of always being red. Still cool.

I really hope that new castle (with black Jin flag) would be used for Chinese (If they remake them).
This will be very interesting if the dev really add Tangut and Jurchen, alongside with remake Chinese.
Song - Jin - Xia lol

We need the Khitans and above all, the Tibetans added too.


If more civs are still being added to AoE2, then let’s definitely eventually add in the Kurds considering that there needs to be another civ that uses the Middle Eastern building set. By the way, I wonder if the incoming East Asian civs will have access to the Paladin? It’d be good if that were to be the case considering that it would be nice to have more non-European civs that have access to the Paladin.

Potential name for that Camel Catapult: Po-Shi.

Judging how thsoe Iron Pagodas are described, I expect to a certain degree a Cavalry UU that do thrust damage (more or less like a mounted Ghulam). and by how were deployed, probably cheaper than Knights with somehow high armor, but as w’all know, these guys would be too OP at launch.

Mark my words, Iron Pagodas will make Monaspas look like little ponies 11