New expansion! New New Screenshot!

Please, tell me for the love of God that HRE is finally getting a rework…
It’s Crusade era expansion, we need to have the bloody Templar order!


Another announcement of an announcement.

Please let the Lumen Shan bug from release be fixed.


Well the black knight HRE I asume ? Is no longer using toy weapon, it has a little bit more detail except for clothes, those still look generic/ no texture on it.

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It’s not the only thing to lead me to play a game: for example, stringhold saga is one of my best RTS and it’s not famous for graphic aspects but It has a lot of other details.

But i could expect this type of graphic from a indipendent studio like Firefly (the stronghold creators and now they are under Digital Devolver they choosed U5 for next stronghold, and i’m sure It will be graphically great) not by a AAA studio with a lot of investiments by MS.

They invested too much in documentaries but not in animations, textures and other details. There were a lot of options to set new standard Graphic for RTS (DLSS, for example).

But as you said, i’ll probably look to AOE5.


The trees is from and old thread of graphics, is for age 2 not IV, that some pros use the mod, the idea is to indicate that some people are willing to play even with boxes because they don’t care about immersion. So you don’t care about it I get it but just because you don’t care you can’t pretent that other people don’t care, we can come here and crtitize the game with argumentation that many here have already provided.

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This bug? Or another?


At long last. That would be it I believe.

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So will Siege weapons have crews now? FINALLY???


To be honest you lost me here… Are you talking about a mod that is for AoE2 that changes how the tree look to boxes?

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Its look like we get japanese,new skins for hre and english king and some crusader campaign thats what i get from those pics.I also realized they are gonna add the golden weapon for elite upgrades i didnt like it what do you guys think?

So based on the name, Sultan’s Ascending, can we safely assume there are no Danes in this round?

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Probably not this time.

Here is the only poll I could dig up in the form. It’s from before the last 2 civs were added last year.

#3 Turks: Check
#8 Mali: Check
#2 Japanese: Check
#1 Byzantines: Fingers crossed
#5 Persians: Fingers crossed

If we get Byzantines and Persians (Quite likely though maybe the Persians are named differently), that would leave Scandinavia (Danes/Norse/Vikings) as number 1 requested civ left. Followed by Spanish, Aztecs and Incas. Given the Norse were the first to find the New World and the common theme of the others. I’m hopeful to maybe see a Scandinavian civ next year. Hopefully, the vikings are in development.


I like the poll. Byzantines and Japanese would be 2 and 3 on my most wanted so I am very excited overall for the update. I’ll just have to be patient for my Viking/Dane civ.


And hope they follow through with the Byzantines. :crossed_fingers:

looks more like in editor chopped image to my eye, we’ll see

If you look at the screenshot of the horse

And then google “persian medieval army” they look exactly like that.
Also google “sipar shield” it’s exactly that shield. Definitely Persian civ.

The cherry blossom is a symbol of Japan so that screenshot of the asian town is most likely Japan.

For the 3rd civ, a lot of people are hoping for byzantine, but cross could be associated with Teutons. Not with byzantine. But Teutons are a bit too early compared to other civs timeline. I’m not quite sure about that one.


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There was a poll even bigger than that, but I would have to look it up.

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I apologize for asking what may have already been discussed here or elsewhere – do any of the screenshots depict buildings or units not already in the game or otherwise provide reason to suspect they depict any new civs?

(For that matter, other than these images, is there any other information available to suggest new civs or their identities?)

Yes. Why not just take a look for yourself on Steam. There’s a straight up picture of a Japanese base that has new units and buildings.


I apologize and am not sure if you are responding to me. I simply do not have a good working knowledge of what the existing units and buildings look like to answer my own question easily. I am sure many people here could answer this easily so I thought to ask.