Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend on Steam**
sultan and middle eastern
and aoe2 is reworking persian
Let’s Persia together
2 campaings abba Saladin and Ottomans sultans
new civ definitely Byzantiy
Finally something new for single players
where i can see stream?
Unless you want to see how Console works, the picture above is the only new information in that entire 30 minute presentation.
GUYS!!! The Sultans Ascend on Steam**
It doesnt say anything about any other civilization than the sultans. Im worried other civs like byzantine wont be included here.
Neat. But that steam page offers no more info than the stream…
the page actually gives some information:
- A new middle-east civ?
- Crusades?
- Japanese?
- New unit (or just the outlook) for HRE
I’m confused the expansion seems focused on the Middle East but the screenshots on the steam Page clearly show JAPAN and new stuff for France and HRE? Not a complaint though that all sounds awesome!
Edit: Well I guess new France and HRE stuff makes sense if theres a Crusader element in the campaign
Sultan ascent expansion with not a single islamic civ would be hilarious.
Honestly, graphic seems always the same?
HRE units are very ugly and nothing change to plastic weapons
I really think they we’ll never have really graphic updates. This Is the game unfortunately.
Only thing i noticed is a Better zoom in?
yes there probably will never be, but I’m happy anyway I like the graphics anyway.
I think the topic about better graphics are talked to death to this point. It most likely never happen to the degree you want is my guess.
The expansion while still limited information on it, seems promising on other terms. I just hope we get the Byzantines but it looks dark if you judge the screenshots. However, Japan perhaps is a playable new civ?
Yes, Japanese could be a new civilization.
And yes, i suppose no more Graphic updates and that’s could be a reason to leave the game.
Just to wait what this expansion will offer and new campaigns are always good adds but i’m not impressed.
Well, if graphics is the only thing that will impress you on a video game then you are setting yourself up for disappointments. Not saying it’s wrong to want better graphics, but it’s one thing to want and another to have a realistic understanding that it might happen in the future or not at all.
In your case I say better to wait for AoE 5 and hope it has better graphics you want, and pray the game play is as much fun as age of empires IV or better
I do funnily enough agree with you, there could be some things done, shading, metal roughness, reflections and textures. The weapons are the biggest gripes there.
More cloth looking cloth etc. Going away from some of the plastic look to some more nicer stuff. Remove or add a toggle for the colors becoming brighter far away.
Don’t get me wrong, content is nice! But there could be some sweet improvements.