New form of harassment

It’s better you don’t use family share, it’s a lot less unethical than using a free thing that shouldn’t be a feature to crush people.

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Family sharing itself is a standard feature, outright removing it or restricting it to non ranked are not healthy options.

Removing it: this will be detrimental to families that play and why on earth would you ask them to purchase multiple accounts worth just to play the same exact game and even purchase multiple civ dlcs just to unlock the full game for each one?

Restricting it from ranked: this is detrimental to the same, basically removing families from the full version of the game unless they purchase the game again and again and likely even the dlcs. We don’t want to become nearly as expensive as the sims just to unlock the full game. And it will only increase smurfs to fight low levels with an entirely unranked account on unranked lobbies, which is unacceptable.

The only option I see that will work while not hurting the player base, nor allow abuse of going constantly up or allowing a falling of elo purposefully, is to allow family sharing accounts in ranked and start them at -100 elo of the highest rank gained by any account under the one account, and this will count towards all new accounts under family share.

Yes, that may add to an inflation of elo to a degree, which is why I add an additional.

Max elo = 2k main, and an infinite amount of elo allowed to be gained by a secondary counter that does nothing aside from allow for inflation without it effecting the queue.
The max elo of 2k would apply for all game modes and queues as well as ranked and unranked lobbies.

The secondary elo counter is also for allowing bragging rights.


The truth about unranked games is that you get who you get, unless it is password protected, or you kick players you do not recognize out. ELO is a strikingly unreliable predictor of outcomes, or skill level in unranked play. Trying to ask that only players of a certain level play does not help. Add to this that some people use unranked games as their coffee, some to train others, and others still for a variety of other reasons and you realize how crazy the games can get. I like mine with vanilla bean.

Yes. This is one issue. It’s just like making the unequalities in matchmaking even worse, to the benefit of those already on the top of the ladder, perpetuating them, while stopping players who keep a same profile to actually have any chance. They don’t and will never have that “chance”, it’s rigged… It’s just like industry proteccionism. Existing players stop new ones from getting a chance. You can only make changes by brute force or regulation, for status quo blocks anything.

Another case of mismatching… team with 2 new starters matches with… a team of 4 hyper-vets (using smurf profiles, intentionally 0-low eloish)… You know that even if the noob team has 1-2 reasonable players, the team of starters combined will lose because the new starters don’t understand late gameplays.

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Within much of the community, if you ask for help and advice you will receive it. Some players even point new players to various means and resources for practicing and learning how to play. Yes, there are players who scream noob, or just take advantage of others, but some people will be that way. I doubt that I am the only one who has had days where they were not proud of themselves. Thankfully there are some features to aid newer players already in the game. It is true that it takes time to learn and build the muscle memory that comes with experience.

Most players in one team are steamrollers … I notice always noob team vs highly smurf team… Unbalanced like Jeff Bezzos and the poorest person in Africa. And no I don’t like this “fact”.

They aren’t usually smurfs, if you read the post I wrote on your other thread you would see that most of them are about your level, and there’s no need to cry wolf. It’s not like you can’t improve if you want to, you don’t need to blame every defeat on smurfs and then complain because people don’t just believe you.


You got to start by learning how to do your macro well, then learn how to apply micro intelligently with your strategy. Age of Empires II does not require super micromanagement skills, and the winner may very well have noticeably lower actions per minute than the person they beat. This takes time, and lots of losses. We all go through phases where the person, or team who beat us seems to be immaculate in their gameplay. Then we later play with people who were at the level we were when we lost and see where we used to be. There are peaks and they are not even, but that is also a reality. Do not assume that you are at a peak simply because you believe that you have been stuck in one place for a protracted period.

I don’t assume anything… But it’s like there’s 99% chance for something to go very wrong. 1% that all players are not early quitters-making very big mistakes (i.e. castle dropped in arena several times, not walling in BF…).

While I can understand the players who, with an early quit with 3vs4, decide to stay in the game “for the sport of it”, it will generally become unbalanced for the team with less players (yes I had times where the opposite happens, but it is usually an exception, it’s like those 1% cases where team coordinates perfectly vs enemy team coordinating only very good)… That’s why I don’t like to stay in 3vs4 games, and I move away. Late quits are a completely different matter, myriad of reasons like people get tired, pressure becomes too much, they feel they will probably not win the enemy… Here it’s all fine, and it’s definitely in game scope.

I’ve seen games where enemy was 4 and becomes 3, and our team stays 4. When I started to play my first 20-30 games it felt kind of funny, but once I understood that this happened regularly (I faced that tens of times in my team and felt the impact), I no longer laughed at it. Yes I do take note that enemy has had an early quit, but it’s never good to be backstabbed by your team members.

Oh yeah, you eventually get a “normal game” (gg) where everything just works normal, and win-lose becomes a matter of luck for both teams. But it’s like a 1/15- 1/20 ratio :joy: :joy: :joy: Which is still better than winning the lottery odds.

Just going to point out that you yourself are an early quitter. I watched the rec you posted, and gave you my analysis. The game was very winnable for you, but you decided you didn’t stand a chance, and called them a smurf, when they clearly weren’t if you actually checked.


I am afriad I don’t agree with this. Because for what his game knowledge he does not have any option to win that game at that stage. This is not anyone fault but it just happen. Same as when he blame other people quit early as he think it can win, it is because the quitter think that it is over as that quiiter do not have enough game knowledge to deal with the hardship. If it is a 1v1 game, no one is wrong. But if it the team map, teammate can suggest idea and simple game plan like go back and bloom, build turrent to defend, up castle and go knight etc.


The game was winnable, he just didn’t have the understanding he needed to win it. So I feel justified in saying that it was very winnable, it’s just that the skill might not have been there to actually do so.


I think it’s a good practice to ask your team if the game is over by saying “GG?”, if nobody says anything within 30 seconds, I take that as either agreement, or they don’t care. In that case, I think quitting is ok. Sometimes someone will point out an idea that I didn’t consider and I’ll continue to play.


Honestly i think any users who admit to smurfing on the ranked ladder on this forum should be tracked down using their email and user id and banned from the game.


And what’s the problem with it? People easily predict your strategy?


I think it is actually a good move and I just realise some people do this and I feel comfortable with it. Thanks for the tips


How about jibatong use to have 3 to 4 account which smurf with their low elo friend. Should he be banned from the game

Maybe from ranked queues, then. You can still play unranked and quick play!


More smurfs = more money for microsoft, as simple as that.


How about this. I purchase a 2nd copy and use a 2nd account because I can. It is my prerogative as a consumer and is done by spending money that I earned. :grin: :grin: :grin: