Hello all. im a ‘‘new old’’ player.
From time to time i play games on the ranked ladder. i want the game to surprise me by random selecting the civ for me before i go into the game because that is fun. The problem i have is that i learned a few civs that i know pretty well but there are too many civs now to learn all at once.
for me it would be nice to be able to select a pool of civs that the game can randomize for me. so i can random between a few civs i learned. That will give me a better playing experience because the total number of civs and their possibilities are totally overwhelming me and going random civ just isnt fun for me at this point because when i get a civ i know i win and when i get a civ i dont know, i lose,
I want to be able to random between the10-15 civs i learned. and when i have more time i can learn an extra civ and add it to the civ pool.
I like to random between some civs but i dont want to be forced to learn 30+ civs. Also i unfortunately dont have the time to learn that much information about the game right now in my life (i own a company and have a wife).
Maybe this idea is a good way to make all the civs less overwhelming for new players.
If this idea would be implemented i would certainly play more games.
this would make the ranked ladder experienced more enjoyable for me
Greetings from a 20+ year aoe2 lover and casual ranked player,