New model for royal culverin?

This was probably discussed after the fantastic update that brought royal guard unit models, but when I casually play against the AI, I do not produce culverin most of the time because I found them to be an archaic unit.

Culverins are 16-17th century guns that are obsolete even in the forteress age (18th century). In the industrial age (napoleonic wars), they are even more obsolete, and this unit conflicts with the napoleonic unit models that most european nation have at this age.

Any thoughts ? What could be the inspiration for a new unit models ?


You raise a fair point.

Even the ye olde Falconet gets upgraded to a Field Gun.

Maybe it should get upgraded to the ‘12 Pounder’? It was considered the early 19th century long range gun, which fits with the Culverins niche. Boring name, but late 1700s onwards, artillery all get properly standardised into boring names! (I like the 1600’s Minion, Saker, Robinet, etc!)

Incidently, as an aside, the ‘Napoleon Gun’ is supposed to a 12 Pounder (with a longer barrel), going by its description - however it’s a stubby 6 pounder ingame. It’s also the Merc version of the Leather Cannon, which is a small infantry gun, so Mountain Gun or even Grasshopper (British nickname for a battlation gun) would make more sense name-wise.


I agree artillery needs a rework in terms of looks and names. 12 pounder sounds like it could work. The early Falconet should also receive a new skin that looks more 16/17th century.

Also Italy needs an artillery royal guard rework, as those names are… something. Idk what they are trying to represent.

From my research, a Spingarde is the plural of spingarda and is ether a Springald (A torsion siege engine similar to a ballista) or a gun of some kind, like a wall gun in later periods.

I have no ideas what a Galilean Mortar is, other than it refrencing Galileo and his principals.

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