New SteamDB DLC

Ok. So firstly, when this says “New Players”, it’s referring to players who are new to ranked multiplayer – it’s nothing to do with sales of the game. Secondly, this page doesn’t list the nationalities of new players, just the top five nationalities of active players. Even if this data was for the year you’re making claims about and it said exactly what you want it to say (presumably, large numbers of new players and Poland in the top five nationalities), it still wouldn’t support your claim.

Very good, two examples that are widely regarded not to have worked.

I see, you were talking about conversion to Catholicism, not Christianity. So which feature of the Britons’ civ design indicates that they were converted to Catholicism c. 600 AD rather than c. 800 AD?

In other words, you can’t answer the question.

We obviously have different priorities about what new content should offer. Personally, I don’t see the point of splitting an existing civ into two essentially identical civs, which seems to be what you’re proposing. I think any new civ should play in a meaningfully different way to the existing civs and should represent a culture that is not already well-represented by an existing civ. I don’t see the point of adding bloat in the form of copy-paste civs, even if it brings in new players.

For me, the crucial thing about Bohemians is that they have very different gameplay from the other civs in the game. I wouldn’t have thought to add them personally, since in some sense they were already represented (either by Teutons or Slavs) – but their addition did bring something genuinely new to the game. Their campaign is also one of my favourites, and it wouldn’t really have worked with any of the existing civs.


LatAmers see themselves as both. Descendants of Natives and Europeans

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cool to have new DLC, hopefully it’s something different than another pure campaign DLC. Though, I would love them to focus more on path finding and balancing. Last year Balance is very questionable, especially militia line.

Yeah, this too, I was just pointing out that even from a thematic stand point alone they make more sense to split off.

…why you gotta be like this?

This one will take time, said Nili


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This is simply wrong!
In the early Middle Ages there was only one church, led by the 5 Patriarchs (Pentarchy), whereby the Pope was considered the Patriarch of the West and was considered the first among equals (order of honor, this order exists on paper to this day), and almost always was The Christianization in Europe was carried out by representatives of the Roman Church. It wasn’t until 1054 that the first split between the churches occurred (although there were of course always tensions before that). The “filioque” (AND the son) was an important reason for this, and to this day is perhaps the biggest theological difference between the west and the east Church The other denominations first emerged almost 500 years later (e.g. the Anglican “Church of England” in 1534).
Thus, what you call “catholization” (although the term Roman Catholic was only coined much later) was synonymous with “Christianity”, at least at this time.
Regarding the second point: I wanted to explain the differences in culture between Wales and England. While Wales was clearly more “Celtic”, England was clearly more “Saxon”. The earlier Christianity also left its mark on the culture. Game design you could see this in a weaker monastery (and I know Brits don’t have good monks)
But as I said, my main concern was the fact that England and Wales differ more in culture than is often assumed

I’m not a game designer and I trust that the actual game designers can create two different sufficient civs in the game (similar to Bohemia where you yourself say that the crucial point is the difference in the game)
A big military difference would be, for example, the standing army of the “TO”, whereas the army of the “HRE” had to be raised again and again, but could rely on the rulers of the countries. In the game you could reflect this by offering a discount on military units, but they would be produced more slowly (I don’t know if that’s a good idea, but as a spontaneous answer to your question)

That’s why it’s difficult to find corresponding civs there (although, as I said, I would also see the Tlaxcaltecs or the Huastecs in the game myself)

Nevertheless, I would suggest that the topic of a potential Germany DLC be left aside for now (even though I could really discuss the history of Europe with you for years) because I believe we will never agree 100% on this point, but (almost) all of us do too want a China DLC (including me) and we all share the passion for this game.
And that brings me to a new point: Yesterday there was a new video from spirit of the law in which he also talked briefly about the new DLC in Age 2 and said that a civ will probably be split up (similar to India) (start at 4:50 for Age 2)

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Why not? Its just funny when you give negative comment related to this games state, your post gets removed, even when its not angry message. Maybe fix games fucking state first before making anymore new DLC’s like seriously.

Very good. You do realise that you’re the one making claims about the ecclesiastical history of England and Wales, not me? I’m not saying this is right, I’m just asking about claims that you made, and how you think they are reflected in the civ design. Somehow that seems to have prompted a rant, in which you contradicted things you said earlier.

I’m not asking you to give a detailed civ design or anything. I just don’t understand why you would say there is “a lot of potential” in splitting Teutons or adding Welsh, but then apparently not have thought about what potential there actually is.

Anyway, I feel like our discussion has run its course.

To bring things a bit back on topic, I really hope this DLC has a new architecture set. BFG has demonstrated that the possibility is there, having introduced two new ones, so it doesn’t seem like an unrealistic thing to hope for. That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if it ends up being two new Italian civs with yet more Mediterranean architecture…


Maybe it will have a new building set for north italy.


Yep. 8 is definitely not enough.

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were the new civs spoiled today?
Looks Asian and a new gunpouder unit and a catapult on a cammel?


I like chinese civ is rework is new dlc this is for our chinese players it’s fun

I take my words back.

20 characters.