New team game arrangement suggestion

Every player should start with 2TCs from dark age, distributed in different position, then I believe the game will need more cooperation then before.

Case 2 v 2, player AB vs CD then the position of initial TC should be arranged in

AB         AB
CD         CD

Case 3 v 3, player ABC vs DEF then the initial position should be

AB          BC
DE          EF

Case 4 v 4, player ABCD vs EFGH, then the initial positions should be :

        CD      AB 
AB                      CD 
EF                      GH
       GH       EF

Take 4v4 as an example:
(1) if left_AB was killed by left_EF + left_GH, player AB can still manage their cities in right AB
(2) right_A can support left_A to start the war on left hand side,
right_B can support left_B to start the war on left hand side,
left_C can support right_C to start the war on right hand side,
left_D can support right_D to start the war on right hand side.
so, every players are now on the edge as well as middle.


Could be an interesting map.


Agreed, I like this suggestion and I think it would be doable as a random map script. It might be a bit tricky though, since I think you would have to do the player placement manually. Not sure.

If you’re interested, I suggest asking in the Random Map Scripting Discord if it’s possible, and if so, how to do it.


Two TCs are really difficult to start with tho.

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