New version is for English

All in all,the Wengard longbow has a range of 11, and a range of 13 on the stone wall,and normal longbow only decrease 2 range.On the other hand,our longbow man can destroy the Berkshire Palace with ease. And any Keep cant anti these insane longbow man.
I dont know why these 2 version dev want made range art,but i think it will destroy the balance in some rank environment,especially teammode,Let’s take a look at the distant pairing of Khan’s hunters with Wengard longbows, and, yes, their buff landmark Kurultai.


many chinese player talk about this version and many of them said they will change to player English next version,after siege’s logic changed,siege is more difficult to anti ranged units,this will made those ranged units who have more range very OP.

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Agreed, as a tutorial civ that’s so easy to play, English should always be balanced to be mid tier, not A or S tier.

Actually english and japan are now op because of food gather rates.Food eco techs got nerfed bur their bonus stays same they will be at huge advantage.

Japans food eco techs(the daimyo upgrades from the town centre) also got nerfed, they did for every civ.

English also got the same techs nerfed however english has the additional civ bonus of farms within influence of a mill gathering faster and that remains the same.

I don’t think this makes english OP as they also had the techs nerfed so remain at the same food advantage over other civs as always. Other civs gather more wood or gold or stone etc.

Bro japans nerf was happened because they nerfed the techs it happened to match other civs.Im talking about civ bonuses they get now , the techs are nerfed japan and english gather %100 faster then other civs.Their bonuses need to be lowered down too.

How exactly do japan gather food 100% faster than other civs now? Japan have no bonus over any other civ, their food techs were nerfed exactly the same as all other civs.

English maintain their civ bonus so will gather 30% faster while under mills as they have always done.

Do you play the game? With normal techs you gather %30 now english has %30 bonus on top of that same with japan tc aura.They gather with double max bonus.

Japan never had the normal farming techs, they had the tc aura techs only and they have been nerfed the same. Japan has been nerfed the same as other civs.

So japanese farm gathering rates went from 25/50/75 bonus to 20/40/60 ? Previous research was 15/30/45, now it is 10/20/30 ? So this means english gets bonus of 15/20/25/30 + 0/10/20/30 … or 15/30/45/60. This means they have the same gather rates right?

Late game they match english food income but the nerf is the same across all civs, so english, japan, china, byz etc all maintain the same advantage they had previously over other civs in terms of food income.

Japan had %75 food gather rate its equal to %45 of normal civs from techs + %30 bonus.Now normal civs get %30 they lowered the part of the techs but bonus stays the same.