Noobs sinking teams in multiplayer

Players who buy the game on sale and show up in multiplayer are quite frustrating. But since I don’t like playing ranked, I don’t have much right to complain… I had a game with two noobs who would absolutely sink any team, but it was a game that I got lucky and even won after more than 1 hour of playing with my brain on overclock! It was basically an 8-player match, with a bot on their side (blue) and two on ours (green and pink). As I said, it was a match in which I got lucky… the rule is that the team is absolutely obliterated and that I get very annoyed with these players because they don’t fight and don’t develop a good economy, they are like traffic cones or trees that don’t interact in the game. The only thing I ask of them is that they at least play 1v1 for a while before going to team games. Here I will leave one of the highlights of the match.

I feel that while the game itself has tutorials for playing 1v1, “There are none for Multiplayer TEAMS”.

I think some Multiplayer trainings in the “Art of war section” should be considered for adding, to show how to ping, coordinate trade, send messages, coordinate attacks or defenses.

That way people wouldn’t feel so lost when they’re just starting 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, etc. games.

On the other hand, at least in quick games, it’s best not to get too carried away, since these don’t count in the ranking, and are often used by ranked players to test builds, or to get out of the stress of ranked.

It would also be good to practice giving advice to new players, or those who make simple mistakes, without being too harsh with them.

Some of the lessons I would put:

  • 1.- Don’t think it’s game over because your landmarks are destroyed. In teams, you can play until every of your team’s landmarks are destroyed. If your base is destroyed, you can survive by trading in other areas.
  • 2.- Coordinate attacks, if possible in written or voice chat, don’t just ping, it can be misinterpreted.
  • 3.- Don’t give up after 5 minutes for trifles like 1 villager being killed. This isn’t just ranked, and if you do that in solo ranked, obviously you won’t go up.
  • 4.- Some players prefer the economic boom before the raid. Be aware of this and don’t incite your economic ally to help you militarily when you chose the role of rusher, unless you have coordinated it in time.
  • 5.- Some civs have better advantages than others, and you should be aware of this with your allies. Don’t ask a Mali for elephants, or the French for archers. If they can’t produce them, it’s your responsibility to do it.

Among some of the informal lessons I would give:

  • Don’t constantly ping the same area thinking the other will understand you. Worse, if he has already sent you help several times, do you expect your ally to ALWAYS help you against all raids? Be more aware of how they are playing in other parts of the map. Do your part of the game.

  • If you can’t beat the enemy and they rushed your base, DON’T GIVE UP, flee with your villagers to another part of the map and survive with Trade or something else, but don’t give up just because they killed 1 villager or they rush you with 3 or 4 players, you only end up ruining the strategy of your entire team, if they are also raiding another rival.

so it turn out to be a balanced match though right? you tried the best and got a tough win, the team strength seems quite equal to me on both sides. you are stronger than all of them so you are paired with some lower teammate to balance out. are you expecting complete stomp one sided win on ranked?

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This was posted on the official discord today. After 6 minutes the queue expands and can have wildly different matchups. Having a fair game with an even matchup can be difficult under these circumstances, noob teammates notwithstanding.

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Like I said… we were lucky. I was the best on my team, ranked Gold II. They had 2 Platinums, a Silver I and a rookie Bot. I was Gold II, Yellow was Silver III and Green and Pink were absolute useless bots. We were very lucky to have a very successful early game attack against Orange, using the powerful heavy cavalry.

Some more highlights from the video: