Norse bugs/issues and overall suggestions

  1. Bug: Nidhogg dragon gets stuck even if it is alive and can be selected but not moved (happened a couple of times by now);
  2. Bug: Loki creatures spawn in buildings and get stuck (needed to destroy a building in order for the creature to escape);
  3. Pathing and optimization issue: Villagers randomly stop gathering resources or get stuck between ox-cart and other villagers;
  4. Overall game suggestion: In a 1v1 or otherwise, if a player/s surrender, give the other player the possibility of continue playing for a little bit longer (some more minutes so they don’t overload the servers). This is in order to be a more satisfying win (in a lot of games the other player just sees he doesn’t have a chance and surrenders before the enemy army even attacks, taking away some siege and fighting fun and making the win a little bit less fulfilling).

Apart from some bugs (also the above stated ones) you are doing a great job with the game and I personally love playing it and watching the competition streams.
Thanks a lot and hope other players would also agree with the suggestion!

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