Northern Africa : Let's look at our options for the next civilization!

Hello fellow explorer.

In this article, I want to explore the Northern half of Africa, as this is the part of the continent that was explored with the African Royals expansion. As you know, all major and minor civilizations as well as maps focus on that specific part of the continent.

If you are like me, you probably did not have much info about the history of that region. That is why I share this info. Hopefully you’ll find this interesting.

Let’s start by exploring the region, starting by the North.

Northern Africa and the Sahara
Fortunately for us, this area of Africa is relatively well known and is marked by the domination of two major states: the Moroccan and Ottoman empires.

The Saadian and their successors the Alawi controlled a massive territory, having influence up to Timbuktu. The Alawi are the current ruler of Morocco.

Multiple minor states, Europeans protectorates as well as tribal entities existed in the region, one of the most well known are Berbers (Minor civ.).

West Africa

That part of Africa had multiple new states during the period. We will look at multiple maps and focus on states that survive for most of the time period.

1648 Map
The Gold Coast include two of the Minor Civ. we have : Akan and Yoruba.

In the center, the Malian Empire (Malians from AOE2) and Songhai Empire still exist, but are mere shadow of their former self.

Neighboring them are two interesting states: The Mossi Kingdoms and the Ségu Empire.

The Mossi Kingdoms (or Empire, 11th century–1896, modern day Burkina Faso) is a powerful centralized state that existed for the whole period.

The Ségou (or Banama Empire, 1712–1862) is a Malian Empire taking the place of the most important state in the Malian region.

The Akan (Asante), Yoruba (Oyo) are still there a century later. Note the Dahomey between them: the mercenary unit Dahomey Amazon is in the game.

To the West, you’ll note the Fulani Kingdom of Khasso and various other Fulani (Senegalese) states. Here is a map in the 18e century:


Not much has changed in 1837. You’d note the Sokoto Caliphate (1804–1903), succeeding the Hausa Kingdoms: remember Usman dan Fodio from the Historical battle?

Like the Sokoto, the Masina Kingdom, a Fulani state, would rise from the Jihads that were common in that region in the 19E century. The Toucouleur Empire or Tukulor (1861–1893) is one of the last of those jihadi state before the European occupation of the region:


From the Hausa States to the Horn of Africa

Fortunately, most states in that area survived for the whole period.

At the East of the various Hausa city States (Kano, Katsina and Zaria on the map), existed two major Chadian States: the Bornu Empire (1380s–1893) and the Wadai Sultanate (1501–1912).

The Kanuri Guard is a mercenary unit from Bornu present in the game.

Between them and Ethiopia, there were two powerful Sudanese States, Darfur and Sennar, as well as a smaller one, Shilluk. The Sudanese Minor Civ. reference Darfur and Sennar directly, as can be read on the Historical Infos present in the game:

The Sudanese are a large collection of people-groups – the most numerous of which are Sudanese Arabs – indigenous to modern-day Sudan. During the early modern period, this region was ruled primarily by two sultanates: Darfur (17th-20th centuries) and Sennar (16th-19th centuries).

A mercenary unit is named after them: the Sennar horseman.

Not present on the map were Somalis States (they would be at the East of Ethiopia). Many of them were present during the time period and the game represent them with the minor civ of the same name.


  • NOTE the game is a bit inconsistent with the naming of its civs, both minor and major.
    Some of them are named after the Ethnic group that was in political control of the region (Hausa, Akan, Yoruba), while other are more generic and linked to the modern countries (Sudanese, Somalis). Africa is home to so many ethnic groups spread across vast areas and the concept of Nation State did not exist, so it can be confusing to name civilizations for gameplay purpose. Most of the states we have seen were named after their capital. — For example, you could name the Masina Empire as Masina, Fulani (the ruling group) or Malians (this was an historic state of Mali). Feel free to use the one you want.

Time to look into options for new civs!

  • Moroccans seem to be an obvious choice.

  • Malians could also be an option in my opinion. Even if the well known Malian Empire disappear, there are other important Malian states during the whole period.

  • Mossi Empire (Burkinabé? modern Burkina Faso) is also interesting, as it survive for the whole period.

  • Chadians (based on the Bornu or Wadai, modern Chad) are also a perfect fit here: they cover a huge area and are present for the whole period as well.

  • Sudanese (Darfur and Sennar) would be the best option of all Minor civs to be upgraded. They are way more important than the (multiple) Somalis states for example, as they are part of the states that were major and existed for long too.

So what do you guys think?
Are you wishing for more African civs?

What about South Africa?
Should I explore this as well? :smiley:


Morocco is almost certainly the next civ, there’s just too much in the game already that could be used for them.

I think the Akan would be the best option for a minor civ to be upgraded since the Ashanti Empire was quite prominent.

Mossi seem interesting but maybe as a minor civ since they were Mossi Kingdoms which implies they weren’t super united. If the Akan were elevated to a full civ, Mossi could fill in for the minor faction in the region.

The Bornu Empire could also be an option. However, I’d imagine they would be quite similar to the Hausa with them being right next to the Sokoto Caliphate.

If they ever get around to civs from the south of Africa, I think we’d see Kongo, Zulu, and maybe Mutapa.


It will be Morocco I’m 99.9% sure now.

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Congo seems like almost a guarantee if they ever get back to Africa, but as you said we are pretty certain the next faction is in fact Morocco, tho i am a little disappointed we haven’t seen some actual teasers.

i doubt they will retouch northern africa after morocco, there are other places that are missing and which people are asking for.


They may use the name “Berber” rather than Morocco, so they can also use this civilisations for Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli (either as independent states or Ottoman regencies). Egyptians could also be added, as Egypt was still a major North African power at the start of the game and was relatively autonomous at several points afterward.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention the Jolof/Wollof from Senegal at all, they ruled a relatively powerful state until the XVIth century and were still present afterward for most of its time period.
I disagree regarding Somali, I think they could be a good addition to the game especially considering they had more contacts with foreign nations than most North African countries in this era thanks to trade in the Indian Ocean. They could arguably be kept for an East African expansion together with the Swahili, though.

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Moroccans are almost 99.99% next civ - most likely it will be free for African Royals DLC owners. In my opinion, there could be an Islamic DLC adding Arabs civ (including Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula) and Persians civ. Arabs civ would cover the Sahara along with Moroccan civ. I think that’s it for the time being when it comes to North Africa because the Alliances even in a cool way represent other African powers.

Now is the time for Central and South Africa:

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i dont think they will replace the current minor civ with a major one, not after all the work that went into the minor and how popular it is.

i think they should just add Morocco and then add the other pirate states as alliances similar to how the other African factions work.

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Well, they did it in the past. Aztecs were a minor before they were promoted to major.

Seems a bit odd to do that within half a year of them being released though. They wouldnt have introduced them as a minor tribe if they were gonna replace them so soon.


i really dont think Aztec are the same as berbers.

Al Andalus is before the games periode, the game begins just after the Reconquista since that is the starting point of the discovery of america.

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This is the AOE3 forum mate :slight_smile:

Oh my bad. I thought I was in the 4 !

I delete my poste

The Fall of Granada was in 1492 so Andalusia definitely is a no for this game. And being “tolerant” by the standers of medieval times could still be very oppressive.

Other than Kingdom of Congo for Central Africa, other interesting civ is the Omani Empire that would cover Center-East Africa and a little bit of Arabian Peninsula.


Omani seem more suited as an Asian civ, or perhaps even a middle eastern themed one in later DLC?


Yes,you are right…Morocco is already all done, and considering that it has a historical battle, the normal thing is that they end up putting it in the multiplayer, with Ahmad al-Mansur as Moroccan leader (the Berber states,Egypt and Arabian Peninsula are not going to be put in, since they are states under the Ottoman yoke) since the beginning of the sixteenth century…on an Islamic or Middle Eastern dlc, I would put Persia and Oman… and about a dlc in South Africa, because I would put the Kingdom of the Congo and there was also talk of the South African Republic or Orange…

In fact,the game starts in 1421 (Chinese campaign),but for 71 years I do not think they put an Andalusian civ…

Yes,the Congo would be a good kingdom to put in,the leader could be:

João I of the Congo/Nkuwu Nzinga (1440-1509), who adopted Catholicism for the kingdom, then it could be like a reskin of the Ethiopians, with Portuguese allies and technologies and also allies of the South African region and on Oman, I already put in another post about putting as Omani leader to:


Said bin Sultan (1791-1856),who expanded his empire between 1820 and 1843 and initiated agreements with the United States in 1830 and with France in 1844.

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Really man? Another african civ? There already too and they are not very popular, players consider them as hard to use. I don’t think adding more will make the game better.