Objectivity: Can we get some stats for zoom level used during the beta?

I don’t disagree with your logic.

I just want to ask…

How is competitive advantage (when playing online) even a thing?
Everybody has a different setup.
I really don’t understand.

Or, maybe when buying the game you get shipped a special arcade like setup with chair and all. Also an air conditioner/warmer.
Well, maybe you get a new house!

Has i see you describe it, we could actualy need a artificial intelligence, that would control our units at our place, solving the pace problem…

I know that one game, in witch you build all of you units.

you can actualy use picture coding, to code the reaction of your unit.

The game is “istrolid”

You build and code in advance and spaned units react to your oders.

Actualy fun to play and they keep all their players on a very long time.

Maybe age of empire can be inspired by it, befor time come up.

And give us more zoom

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I get trying to make so as the game plays “kind of the same” in most setups.

It’s like mixing music, sure.

But… Denying zoom out to people who use big screens, seems to me brings more disadvantage…

Well, complete disadvantage because the game is unplayable.

In AoEDE you can zoom out further depending on your screen size. It’s kind of logical.

Or maybe I just don’t understand.

The Devs just telling us “this is what you want, you don’t actually know what you want” :joy: