These are mine:
Asymmetric scam (lol not offence tho): the asymmetry is not what we would expect… units are the same just like in AoE 2, you can barely differentiate who is who unless you look at the unique unit (dopel, elephant, etc.) I expected it to be more like AoE 3 where instead of the same 3D models with different skins they put some extra effort to make completely different units, with different HP, bonuses and historically accurate.
Cartoony siege weapons: the cannons should be impressive visually speaking, but without operators and shooting toy gun bullets they lose all credibility, and not to mention the ‘‘poof’’ effect when they are destroyed… they neither disarm nor break, just ‘‘poof’’ LOL the game loses a lot of immersion.
buildings are very difficult to distinguish: idk how to explain or fix it, but for me it’s quite annoying to always confuse the TC with the market or the barracks with the archery.
Difference between 2019 preview and today’s footage: why can’t they just release it like the 2019 preview? the lighting, contrast and proportions of everything looked great by then…
Team offensives are impossible with the 1 per click military units quee: or they fix the map grid or the queue, but once I build 4 archeries, 4 barracks, and 4 stables in the map there’s no room for my allies to build anything else (in middle map or ahead). If the queue was 5 units instead of one maybe would not need 4 buildings …
UI: have nothing extra to say, there are dozens of comments complaining about it.
Units without melee attack: why does cavalry change from spear to sword exactly? well if that has a reason to be then why longbows or gunpowder units dont have melee attacks like in AoE 3? they keep firing arrows instead of melee attack
Units are robotic and generic: why archers and gunowder dont have charging animations? (AoE 3 is a good example of very well animated units) come on guys add some love to those units…we want them to feel alive not robotic, the game is lacking a lot of love and effort in animations … even the chickens from tc and horses from buildings should be animated
COH scam (lol sorry again): when I heard CoH devs will make this game my first thoughts were units in buildings firing things, tactics, destructible bridges, insane physics, well basically all the cool things from CoH added to the core gameplay of AOE, that would be epic…but it ended being a disappointment? nothing cool from COH and just everything like AOE 2 with gameplay of AoM. Why did not they put some extra love and effort into innovating? Beta would have been a parameter to test something different and see people’s reaction, but they did not do anything new?
I could keep mentioning some more … But what are yours?
P.D will be posting for top favorite pros of AOE 4 as well.