One thing that bugged me was that the entrances and doors within the buildings were a lot smaller than the units. They could never fit through.
The scale from buildings to people is not realistic.
One thing that bugged me was that the entrances and doors within the buildings were a lot smaller than the units. They could never fit through.
The scale from buildings to people is not realistic.
oh man how come I forgot that one, that’s so true, those super small gates gives me claustrophobia lol no seriously its a mayor problem with such big armies
I agree, however I think this may have been a design decision to make seeing your units easier and make buildings obscure whatever is behind them less.
I think the relatively low angle of the camera compared to previous age games also played into this compromise.
The UI and command delay
Archers don’t switch to melee mode when engaged ? The tutorial said that light Cav can counter longbowmem in small numbers as the Archers are forced to switch to lesser effective melee mode like in AoE3.
Is it’s just that the melee attack animation doesn’t exist ?
It does exist and it does happen.
I think it was more consistent in the closed beta than in the stress test tho.
They sorta broke a bunch of things when they tried to patch over the stress test.
Developers often work on special builds just for presentations.
Famous is the Witcher 3 presentation that looked quit different from the final product.
Sometimes they spend months polishing a video that doesn’t have much to do with the final gameplay.
In this case you can clearly see that most units and buildings only changed little since than. But that doesn’t mean that was real gameplay. Maybe all the unit movements, deaths etc. were all scripted.
That really doesn’t take away from the premise.
We get cinematic trailers all the time that don’t reflect the gameplay to 100% accuracy.
That does not qualify as outright lying if they didn’t state anything to be final in the shown footage.
They also never did in fact state that it was real gameplay, only that it was game footage, pre alpha footage to be exact.
I guess so
Then my question is, why dont they mention it?? it will impact the sales… plus devs made a video playing hre vs abbasabi and I watched exactly same from stress test, confusing?
In the trailers they’ve mentioned it was “alpha footage”.
I choose to believe them at face value. Otherwise we’d be delving into the realm of conspiracy theories.
I understand the technical strain to an extent. However, it should be noted that at this point, we have many other games that deal in larger numbers on screen at a time. Cossacks and Total War both spring to mind here. Besides which…while I reiterate that I get the technical difficulty, it’s hard not to feel like we’re back in that early 3D FPS era where the action had to be scaled back because of the engine, when shooters before could create amazingly hectic battles.
Total war doesn’t actually have higher numbers.
What we have is “swarm ai” moving around to represent a single unit.
Those individual men you see don’t have their own pathing commands or ai.
So in reality you are coming onto the battlefield with like 30 units.
Which is why I brought up Dawn of War in my first post. Specifically:
I’d have been more at ease with the 200 cap if we had groups that at least gave us the illusion of a larger force was my point.
We are not sure why they chose 200 to be the standard population.
Was it engine limitations? Or was it balance?
Only relic can answer that.
Say it to Cossacks 3.
MP is not balanced but only because they did not design game at all.
Can easily be 10k units.
With current multicore CPUs it’s even easier.
PS But what’s the point to have 1000 units, if u dont have time to control them properly. Better design smth like TotalWat with squads
The only things I consider absolutely crucial that I have not seen them acknowledge are these:
The delay between units receiving a command and starting to execute it.
The inability to see and select/deselect individual unit icons in a selected group of units.
Having all the relevant information visible somewhere, in tool tips, the tech tree, etc. Currently there is a ton of hidden stuff.
Everything else I either don’t really care about, or I omit here because they have already said it was something they are working on, or it is balance/bug related which will obviously be an ongoing process.
Blockquote I think English archers switched to knifes in melee.
This is actually entirely historically accurate. At Agincourt a modern assessment says that the english archers likely scored as many or more kills with their daggers/short swords to men stuck in the mud than they did with arrows. Some assessments say the main effect of the arrows was to cause the initial round to falter and then the human wave coming behind them crushed up on them, drowned some in the mud or suffocated them in their armor, and fighting for survival from that left so many exhausted that they could not adequately defend themselves.
Regardless, them using knives in melee is one of those “Historical accuracy” choices they have been talking about.
Edit: The assessment is in a documentary on youtube. A popular and reasonably credentialed one. If you force me to, I will find it.
I don’t know. It happens a lot that developers show how the game is “supposed” to look like because they aren’t ready to show anything real yet.
A lot of games did it a lot worse than AoE4 though. (Look at preview for the new PS3 back than, they looked nothing like the actual PS3 games would later look like.)
Within the 2 years since the 2019 trailer a lot of things happened in the development.
I assume play testing revealed that the small units from the trailer were too small to be visible so they made them larger. And other changes like that.
If you look at the 2019 trailer compared to now it doesn’t look that much different. The saturation was higher in 2019 but they mentioned that they reduced that because of feedback.
You can already see things like the models for packed siege units and stuff like that.
Most English buildings look the same or very similar to now.
We already have another thread about a Feudal Age technology building that was apparently removed since the fan Preview.
I think devs are looking at asymmetry in terms of macro play which, largely, seems to be fairly good. I was really hoping more asymmetry in each unit. I hate saying it, but the asymmetry is largely missing on a per-unit basis.