Old Prussians Civ Concept

My concept for Old Prussians Civ in AOE 2 DE.

Sources :

Prusowie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (in Polish)
Pruski Horyzont: Prūsai (Prusowie) cz.1 - Pochodzenie Prusów. ( in Polish)
Prusowie – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (in Polish)
Pruski Horyzont: Prūsai (Prusowie) cz.2 - Prusowie i ich życie (in Polish)
Prusowie - Dzieje, podbój i eksterminacja Bałtyjskiego ludu (in Polish)
Armia średniowiecznych Prusów (in Polish)
Lauks – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia (in Polish)
Życie codzienne ludności bałtyjskiej na terenie Prus i Jaćwieży w średniowieczu » Strona 3 z 4 » Historykon.pl (in Polish)
Co stało się Prusami i Jaćwingami po krzyżackim podboju? ( in Polish)
Pruski Braveheart - rp.pl (in Polish)
Czy pogańscy Prusowie naprawdę byli barbarzyńcami i prymitywami? | CiekawostkiHistoryczne.pl (in Polish)
Romowe – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia ( in Polish)
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://bazhum.muzhp.pl/media//files/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie-r1968-t-n2/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie-r1968-t-n2-s221-237/Komunikaty_Mazursko_Warminskie-r1968-t-n2-s221-237.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiltvabuomIAxVpSPEDHXJWBdQQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2xg2jZndlNmlv9YmrZJwA- Scientific study on the Old Prussians military ( in Polish)

Old Prussians Emblem

Old Prussians Missile Units & Fortress Defender Civ (Updated)

Team Bonus
+1 to attack points for missile units.

Civ bonus
-2 to melee attack points for enemy attacking Old Prussians base (the mysterious pagan people are terrifying to attacking enemies.
“Lauks Defenders”** (Old Prussians historically did this)
In times of critical danger, male villagers, thanks to the player’s decisions, can get battle clubs and fight to defend the tribe (this option is not one-time). Lauks was an administrative unit of the Old Prussians. When there was a defensive war, it provided additional recruits. Option available in Town Center. Fighting Peasant Melee Attack 3

Unique units :

  1. Tribal Warrior - Armed with a axe, having a light wooden shield, dressed in a bear skin. Nice attack skills but a little poor defense. But it’s cheap.

  2. Old Prussian Hunter - Fast shooting with a bow , good attack but also poor defense. Dressed in white shirt , wolf skin on the back and have woolen trousers, blond haired.

  3. Kriwe - pagan sorcerer and priest (he can fighting , healing friendly units , when he is close friendly units have little bonuses to statistics). He fights with a stick called a krywule.

Wonder : Romove - sacred grove a place inaccessible to anyone but the elite clergy.

Unique buildings

Perkun’s Temple (pagan temple of the Prussians) - training and upgrading of the fighting priest Kriwe, you can hide and heal troops in it. The unique feature of the building is the attack bonus for neighboring military units of Old Prussia thanks to their belief in Perkun (the most important god of Old Prussians).
Cost 145 Wood , Build Time 30 seconds , Hit Points 1600 , Special Bonus : Gives nearby friendly units +2 to attack points

Beehive - a structure that is an additional source of food for the faction (Old Prussians obtained a lot of honey for their own use and trade) Cost 15 Wood , Build Time 15 , Hit Points 215

Unique Techs:

The art of skillful fortification - Defensive structures of this faction are 30% more durable in terms of points (Old Prussians built difficult castles to conquer)

Knowledge of Natural Resources - Villagers obtain resources by 2 more efficiently (Old Prussians were great at obtaining resources, over the centuries they learned to obtain them on their lands)

Available units and their improvement ( there are no gunpowder units)

Fighting peasant ( when we use in Town Center ,Lauks defenders" option)

Militia → Man at arms → Long swordsman → Two handed Swordsman → Champion
Spearman → Pikeman → Halberdier
Tribal Warrior (unique unit) - available since second Age. Cost : Food 45 Gold 25
Training time 19 , Hit Points 41 , Melee attack 5

Archery Range
Archer → Crossbowman → Arbalester
Prussian Hunter (unique unit) - available since second Age. Cost : Food 55 Wood 25 , Training time 22 , Pierce attack 5 , Attack Delay 0.30
Skirmisher → Elite skirmisher
Cavalry Archer → Heavy Cavalry Archer

Scout Cavalry → Cavalry → Hussar
Knight → Cavalier → Paladin

Siege Workshop
Battering Ram → Capped ram → Siege ram
Mangonel → Onager → Siege onager
Scorpion → Heavy Scorpion
Siege Tower

Old Prussian Hunter

Perkun Temple (replace standard Monastery)
Kriwe (unique unit) available since Age 2 Cost : Gold 60 Training time 40 Hit Points: 75 , Melee Attack 10
Special Bonus: Gives nearby friendly units +1 to attack points

Fishing Ship
Transport Ship
Trade Cog
Galley → War Galley →Galleon

Mercenary Ships ( 50 percent more expensive than in other factions, do not require the ,War Galley" technology because they are only purchased).

Fire Galley → War Galley → Fast Fire Ship
Demolition Raft → Demolition Ship → Heavy Demo Ship

Tech Tree

Building technologies

Town Watch
Town Patrol
Treadmill Craneb

Economy technologies

Hand Cart
Double-Bit Axe
Bow Saw
Two-Man Saw
Horse Collar
Heavy Plow
Crop Rotation
Gold Mining
Gold Shaft Mining
Stone Mining
Stone Shaft Mining

Monastery technologies

Herbal Medicine

Military technologies


Iron Casting
Blast Furnace
Scale Mail Armor
Chain Mail Armor

Missile / siege

Thumb Ring
Bodkin Arrow
Padded Archer Armor
Leather Archer Armor
Ring Archer Armor
Heated Shot
Murder Holes


Iron Casting
Blast Furnace
Scale Barding Armor
Chain Barding Armor

Dock technologies

Dry Dock

Miscellaneous technologies

Feudal Age
Castle Age
Imperial Age

Missing technologies

Block Printing
Parthian Tactics
Siege Engineers
Bombard Tower
Plate Mail Armor
Plate Barding Armor

Unique technologies

Knowledge of Natural Resources - Villagers obtain resources by +2 pieces efficiently every time. Cost Food 125 ,Gold 85. Time -45 seconds. Available since Castle Age
(Old Prussians were great at obtaining resources, over the centuries they learned to obtain them on their lands)

The art of skillful fortification - Defensive structures of this faction are 30% more durable in terms of points. Cost - 250 wood , 140 stone. Time - 60 seconds. Available since Imperial Age
(Old Prussians built difficult settlements to conquer)

Campaign and main hero

, The tightening noose" - main hero Hercus Monte Herkus Monte - Wikipedia

The story of Herkus Monte, who starts an uprising against the Teutonic Knights to save his people, preserve their culture and identity. The brave and courageous Herkus turns out to be a good commander and is able to win victories. However, the power of the order turns out to be stronger and stronger. In the end, Herkus is beaten and then captured and hanged. The Old Prussians become subordinate to the Teutonic Order and lose their culture in favor of rapid Germanization. A sad and melancholic campaign ended melodramatically, I think it would be interesting.

I didn’t want to do a detailed evaluation of numerical statistics because I’m not that skilled in game balance. However, I would be happy to see if someone developed my idea. It seems to me that the forgotten and interesting faction of Old Prussians could be added to the game someday.


Old Prussians people


Old Prussians Warriors


Old Prussians People


Old Prussians People

Very Old Perkun Temple viewed by people in the 19th century

images (1)

Herkus Monte ( Very brave Old Prussian leader who fought with Teutonic Order agression).

Viideo about Old Prussians

Would you like to see the Old Prussians faction with own campaign in game in the future?
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  • I don’t know
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Those are some generic bonuses and unique units.


Kriwe sounds like a better unit for the UU than generic archer or spearman.

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These were Prusakai, not Prussians.

Lithuanians civ cover them and the rest of the Balts.

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I am not advocating for a extra Baltic civ, but if a new one would be added I hope they would have an unique building the Bulward.
A Krepost like building but build on the water as a Dock that can train the Unique Castle Unit and Fireships and/or the Galley line.

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Lithuanians and Old Prussians have a related origin but are different generally. As is their fate ultimately. I don’t think the Lithuanians civilization in the game includes Old Prussians.


This is a good suggestion.

The Prussians as a western Baltic civ, can certainly be brought into the game. They also do not cross with the Lithuanians, as their campaign at first begins in the Late middle age since 1345.

The Teutonic Order only germanized this civ in the 13th century, so before they were still Baltic heathens and had an existence for many centuries. So therefore a campaign or singleplayer scenarios for Old Prussians fits well into the games time frame from the Late antiquity to the High Middle ages.

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I add poll to first post about idea of release Old Prussians in game someday.

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I disagree, the bonuses are undefined the unit names are some of the least unique and there’s no defined tech tree


For choosing such a civ, that requires a delicate approach as to which bonuses and unit names, you want to have. However, the fact is, that such stuff have historically existed.

Otherwise, ask the topic creator, he can certainly say more about it and further revise the concept.

What? You literally said the design was well made but how? This is barebones and just a bunch of historical junk with no gameplay.

This is literally an opinion. Any part of the world any person can claim yhis but the OP didnt do any of such consideration unless tribal warrior fits Prussia more tgan it does Native America civs.


I don’t like this idea for a number of reasons:

  1. This people never became an empire. Those were more like tribes with princes. I don’t say they are bad or smth but in this case Great Moravia has more rights to be added.

  2. To simplify the formulation, they are Balts + Poles + Germans. That is, none of the players recognize themselves in them. The Balts already have Lithuanians, the Poles have their own civ, and the Germans would prefer to add, for example, Bavaria.

  3. This is again Europe. Community is really on the rage about overload of Europe.

  4. I doubt their history is recorded well enough.

In general, I don’t have any hate about this, but doing this INSTEAD of Slavs, Asia, America, Africa and Islamic civilizations would be a very strange decision.

However, if the game lives for another 5-10 years and everything else has already been done, it will be possible to work on this nation as part of DLC about the North, for example, together with Swedes and Danes.

I literally just said, that I like the idea and nothing more. There were arguments against the idea, but these were wrong and I corrected them.

Of course yes. Give the OP the chance, to improve his topic instead of just putting him down.


Old Prussians weren’t Germans. They were germanised later by Teutonic Order.

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There are factual arguments against it, and that can be left as it is.

I do not agree with your second point.

The Slavs have far more than just Poles in this game. They have the Slavs (Rus or Ruthenians), Bulgarians and Bohemians as further civs.
The Germans have the Teutons, the Vikings and in a broader sense the Burgundians (Dutch) .
The Balts have only the Lithuanians so far. Adding Old Prussians would therefore not be a bad idea.


That’s why I wrote “To simplify the formulation”. It depends on the period.

You said it yourself. They do have their race presented. Not even some half-blood but direct.
Many nations are not presented at the same time.

I think that not every faction in game must be empire in history. In my opinion ,Age of Empires" means that in the periods were empires but doesn’t mean that every faction must be big and strong empire. Interesting faction could be just added. Old Prussians are interesting faction in my opinion with very bad ending. If history had gone differently, this people would today be a nation geographically between Poland and Lithuania.

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Not all the ingame civilization became empires eg mayans italians were city states.Cumans huns were also tribal confederates.


If history had gone differently, they could today be instead of Poland and Lithuania =)

I added to the first post (concept)

  1. unique construction (bee hives) additional way of obtaining food
  2. Krive - pagan sorcerer and priest as third unique unit.
  3. new links with sources about Old Prussians history , economy , culture , religion , army , wars.
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