So with the changes to the JPK (which was needed, the unit was not viable) especially the speed changes, I think that the role of the puma spearman, as a speedy melee complement to the coyote has been taken over by the JPK.
It has more rounded stats, can counter the counters of coyote and is easier to macro for even if it cost overall more res.
So I want to prose a few things to maybe make a more solid niche for the puma, as another choice in the coyote complement or even as part of a triple complement of coyote, puma and JPK.
The concept will be a melee tank with high speed that can keep up with coyote even at potentially full speed that can force coyote counters such as goons into melee where they die or absorb melee damage from muskets, halbs or cav.
There will be 4 changes, some more important then others but I think there will be some core change and some optional change.
1st (needed) - reverting HP to 135 from 125
Originally the puma had 135 HP and this change is designed to increase survivability and complement the second change
2nd (needed) - Xochipilli Support to age 2 and also increases melee armour by 0.15
While I am still in favour of maybe integrating a lot of the support cards into the big button techs, this is a more short term change or the now.
This card in age 3 is very hard to justify because of the other arguably more crucial support cards
Moving it to age 2 means that the puma coyote complement can act as an age 2 version of the coyote-jpk comp, frees up an age 3 slot (which was never used for this card anyway)
Increasing the melee armour is done for 2 reason, it follows the trend of giving 2 buffs to war hut units (coyote increases HP and armour, slingers get HP and range) and it now gives the puma enough HP to tank alot of melee hits.
combined with the HP revert, the puma will have about 207 melee HP in age 2, slightly less than the Incan plumed spearman, which I think them more comparable.
3rd (needed ??) - cost from 45f/45c to 50f/40c
This is to make the unit more favourable to macro coin-wise
This is pretty important as well especially if you send aztec mining and is still making coyote or slingers which will make macroing for the comp harder on gold.
4th (optional) - base speed to 5.5
This one is to arguably make it able to have the same-ish speed as coyote after the support tech, allowing it to become a fast speed comp with the unit
with the support tech, it will have 6.6 speed, which is only 0.2 less then coyote with coyote combat, which will make for a potent shock force.
arguably it will be able to do this with 6 speed but lets see.
So yeah thoughts??