One way to solve premade team vs solo player problem

As we all know premade teams have huge advantage over solo team players. Being inspired by aoe4, I think aoe2 team queue can match “parties”, instead of players. For example players form a party of 4, then queue. So a party of 4 will only match with a party of 4, or 2 parties of 2, solo players only match with solo players or a party of 3 + one solo player. That would make the game much better.


Ok don’t comment “just play 1v1 if you don’t have a team”. I do play 1v1 often and sometimes i want to play team too. And all my friends don’t play aoe. Everyone plays LOL or dota or CSGO etc.


It will sigficantly increase waiting time. I think giving elo based on apm, cost efficiency etc will be better then just win or lose so bad players will get less elo and good players (even they lose) will get better elo.

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I’m happy to wait 5 min longer, instead of playing random teammate vs a full squad


You are happy but other people dont; also, higher elos have to wait really good amount of time like 10-15 min or something because the amount of high level players too low and online high level players lower then that.