Open map vs Closed map TG rating

Having more than just one elo for 1v1 or team games is one of my suggestions in this thread. I fully agree your rating between open and closed maps can be quite different, so you need to be matched against other players. For team games there is also the issue of premades vs lonely players. Premades have much better communication and win against equally rated players in most cases. The current MM system seems to neglicts this. I fully agree the devs needs to change somethings at this.

If you really dont lose any points after loosing these games (sometimes is somewhat behind with ratings, so it is not the best source), then i would make a bug report about that. Loosing 0 points cant be true. I do feel there is something wrong with team game ratings in general (too much inflated). If you make a bug report, feel free to also link to the following thread. Maybe this will help the devs with finding the issues in some manner.

If i play against someone who drops multiple time in a row against me, then i will report such player. It is up to the devs if you can be banned for such thing. I would give you one advice: If you do something and you think ‘Can i be reported for this’, it is most likely something to avoid. Dont do it.

I also like you think all premade teams are 3000 rated smurfs. You know no one has a rating of 3000? Your rating is also pretty high. You know 2.2k is top 5% of the world. Don’t really expect easy games at that level. If your rating is that high, also expect to have high rated enemies.

Note: your 1v1 rating is also around 1250. This is also equal to top 15% of the world. I dont really think we can call you a noob, like you said. I are much better than you think. Top 5% for team games and top 15% for 1v1 is not what i would call a noob.