Optional Age of Kings civs only on the ranked ladder?

I think there are way too many civilizations in the game and too much stuff to learn. I think it’d help if in ranked multiplayer you could play with and against only the original 13 civs, which were in Age of Kings. Is this a crazy idea? What do you think guys?

It will be good for a Free-to-play trial game, maybe you can play with 3 civ from the AoK civs.
Personally, I would like an option to create your own civ pool to use in Ranked in random mode.

I strongly disagree with this personally, none of the civs I like playing most number among the originals, most of them are DLC civs (like Burgundians, Bohemians, Hindustanis). Also, most civs play in roughly similar ways, unless you’re playing random civ, you don’t need to know the ins-and-outs of every civ in the game. If you scout the enemy well, you shouldn’t need to necessarily know their civ at all. There are a few things that might catch people out in terms of stuff like UUs or UTs, but generally you should be fine. You don’t need to learn everything, just learn the civs you play. There’s also no rule saying you can’t look at the tech tree during a game. So no, I think this would ruin the game for a lot of players. It might make it easier, but it would also make it far less diverse and interesting to play, which might gradually decrease the number of people actually interested in playing ranked.


Ask for a minute, pause the game, check the tech tree, type “14?”, wait for a positive answer, unpause the game, profit.

Never saw anyone rag on the Conqs civs. Anyone have that on their complainer bingo card?

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Well, I would love the idea personally, because then even I would be happy to play random civ, but it’s quite obvious that this is never going to be implemented, for a variety of reasons.