Ornlu tier list for eco

I find tier lists fascinating, but I would like to note that the Sicilian TC/Castle building speed bonus is quite valuable. Aggressive placement of TCs, and castles to claim resources is made safer, and in some cases it opens the placement up to being practical, whereas other civs would have to be sneaky at best.


→ Lith is fine where it is. It’s a strong early eco bonus, but it’s only useful if you actually go aggressive somewhere early on. You don’t get any help if the game happens to drag on. So yes, good, but situationally. Less effective on team games than 1v1 especially.

→ Tatars. I think it’s fine where it is. Strong bonus, but again, if the game drags on, you got nothing to help you late game.

→ Incas. Their bonus is weaker than the Lith bonus (1 Lama is less than 100 food due to rot, and it isn’t even instantly banked) so it makes sense for it to be a tier lower than Lith. The house bonus is cool, but I would generally still take the Lith 150 instant food vs the Inca bonuses.

These bonuses don’t hold a candle to the strength of eco bonuses that civs like Mayans or Indians are getting. No way.

Agreed. Cuman bonus is nice, but it’s very situational. Probably should be a B tier.

As for my personal opinions…

I think Mongols should be on the same tier as Britons. I mean, come on. Hidden Cup IV had maps changed specifically not to make Mongols OP/most picked.

Incas food bonus is worse than Lith but they also get half the Hunnic bonus (with the added upside of being able to spam houses to save themselves from a wall breach) so they also get a wood bonus.

Mongols being OP on some maps is because it’s pretty easy to break the civ by putting too much hunts or stone on a map. But the tier list ofc assumes standard ressources, as you could make any civ that gets a bonus on natural food ressources broken by putting too much of said ressources on your map anyway.

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That’s what I mean though. The Mongols civ pretty much affects map design, but even in normal games, with mongols you can usually get very fast uptimes, which gives you a lot of flexibility… which is hard to quantify, but very very useful if you find a good use of your advantage

That’s true, but it’s closer in nature to the Lith bonus than the Briton bonuses. Now ofc if you think both Lith and Mongols deserve to be one tier higher it makes sense.

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I agree but that’s also because of the way you play these civs. If you were going for scouts with Britons you could have pretty sharp uptimes as well making use of that sheep bonus.

technically Briton scout rush is a legit strat