Ottoman Great Bombard needs a nerf in team game

You liked the alt account’s toxic post that calling other users as ###### with huge capital letters with one letter each line. That’s tells a lot about you.


Noticed he is liked by another account that was just created, probably an alt. But everyone needs to settle down, this is getting ridiculous with all these Ottoman threads


I agree that Ottoman threads should end altough I agree some of them.


In that case you probably shouldn’t do things like this:

Which that guy is right, that did happen.


You are the like this guy. So you go on what you do.

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jajaja ahora imagina los otomanos teniendo aldeanos y grandes bombardas gratis en el aoe 3… sep asi es pueden tener aldeanos gratis ya que el centro urbano los produce gratis (mas lento eso si) bueno en ese juego cada civ tiene lo suyo xd

they dont need nerf they are fine for anyone to create 7 of them your opponent shouldnt play or do something chinese nest of bees are like them too if you dont play and let the enemy do what he wants this happens for example the team games i play ends before i can reach imperial because i always put pressure on opponent

first springalds fire much faster ,second springald has more range they shoot first ,third they are far more cheaper ,fourth for someone to mass great bombards you shouldnt playing and sitting in your base doing nothing ,fifth they are created faster and i mostly play ottomans i only manage to create them only one game out of 10 games at 1v1 i never created them you think


I don’t think great bombards need a nerf.

Maybe in team games they could be an issue, or if you just let them build up forever, but in a regular 1v1 they are definitely not OP.

They are either very expensive or take a long time to produce. They are slow and need to be protected. I think there is plenty of counterplay available.

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  1. Game should be balanced around 1v1?
    I’m talking about team games since we have ranked tg now we should care about balancing it. However, if going by your token, anything that’s not an issue in 1v1 shouldn’t matter to balance, then Grenadiers as well as late game CT bombard shouldn’t need nerfs, and many people would disagree with you because of that.

  2. GB is irrelevant because people don’t make them in 1v1?
    Then nerfing their stats would have zero impact on 1v1, but would greatly balance team game.

Chinese CT bombard was nerfed hard due to the very reasons that are discussed here about GB.

However, I’d understand that they are pushing the limit when designing this civ. They want a gunpower siege unit that replace Bombard/Culverin/Ribauldequin, introducing Great Bombard. That decision is fine you can have a siege that anti everything. However, it should have a weakness. A unit that kills its designated counter doesn’t make any sense in a RPS system and break the counter.

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Once again this thread is about balancing GB for team game. Balancing GB includes buffing it’s counter. I’d advocate buffing Springalds in whatever way that 3 shot a GB instead of 5 shot as right now. All other aspects can remain the same.

Use culverins next time. Also dont let ottomans have billions of gold ! That unit u are talkin about is 900 gold u know … Also probably worst unit in game after Janizars. Just use culverins or trebs if u dont have culverins.
Probably u are the first person complaining about ottos being game breaking xD lol


Did you miss my last post? I’m advocating for buffing Springalds vs GB and everything else can be kept the same. Idk what game are you playing but in aoe 4 trebs don’t counter GB.

There hasn’t been one fix made yet that splits balance up between 1v1 and teams…so until such time a balance split exist; plewse consider the reality that 1v1 >>>>> TGs.

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We know that. Also as other people has said GB is irrelevant in 1v1 so making it easier to kill won’t impact 1v1 at all.

It’s not conclusive that the GB is irrelevant in 1v1, BUT ASSUME you’re right…how would making the GB die faster NOT further impact 1v1???

buffing springald is a bad idea too they are fine as it is you can make 3 of them and they fire faster and have a longer range buffing them against great bombard makes the great bombard useless and use to do formations and if you are not putting pressure on your opponent and let him make 7 great bombards you already deserved to lose 7 great bombard is 10.500 resource and you can get them on imperial age this is a well deserved victory for the one who can make 7 great bombards

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Give Springalds bonus attack against GB, so that it deals at least 117 damage each shot (kill GB in 3 shots) after deducting GB armor (30) which would be 47 bonus damage against GB. Total damage against GB = 30+70+47.

Or make GB takes x% more damage from Springalds, such that it dies in 3 springalds shot instead of 5.

springald dont need buff against great bombard they shoot 2 times faster i recomend you to improve your gameplay

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This guy doesnt play game well. He doesnt know what he wants.


ever used cav charge on GB, i advise checking multiple counter options before drawing any conclusions